Hi everyone, I'm looking for a way to set a register value via a sort of menu. Basically ask user to set register in a user friendly way. Situation: The robot always runs a MAIN program. The user places a jig in front of the robot and connects a connector. This connector is used to automatically select the correct program that belongs to that jig. (using 24v DI inputs for that).
This works perfectly for jigs that can only do 1 program. But I now have a jig for flat plates (wood, EPS, foam, etc). So I want to place the jig, put in the connector and start. The robot knows via the connector it's the flat plates jig so in that program it will then ask the user something like:
Enter corresponding program number and press ENTER:
1. Program name 1
2. Program name 2
3. etc. etc
It then waits until it receives a number and the enter. The number is written to a registry. Next step in the program is look at the registry, see number 1 is sub program 11 or what ever and runs that program. At the end it sets registry back to 0 so no error is made.
Is there a way to ask the user this way?