Posts by svr
to the previous message:
You can write the analog input into a register in the background program, where you will always have the current value stored in the register, eliminating the need to write it in every line of the program.
I would use DCS only for safety zones. If you just need to determine in which area/zone the robot's TCP is located, use the SPACE FCTN function.
Hi, you can perform the backup on an MC memory card (the slot is inside the controller on the main board, but it might also be on the front side of the cabinet).
You can move the positioner by switching the motion group using the GROUP button (or after pressing SHIFT+COORD, you might also have the option to select other motion groups).
I apologize if I misunderstood the problem. Could you please provide more detailed information
Hi Everyone,
I'm stuck on a matter and can't find my way around it.
MY fanuc CoBot batteries ran out so i replaced them, it has been off for a long time.
I keep getting SRVO-075 Alert, i tried Mastering but yet it did not work getting error that i can't masterI tried moving the arm in jog mode also did not resolve it..
I'm not sure how to solve, please help
If you open the master/cal menu, under the F3 button there is an option RES_PCA (reset pulsecoder alarm). then restart the robot and you will be able to move the axes in JOINT mode.
hi, run this program in BG LOGIC.
adjust the number of registers as you like.
it is for R30iB Plus control, (fast clock-1 pulse per 1ms.)
If you use a different control, you may have to adjust the fast clock 1 pulse=4ms. or 2ms.Code
Display More1: !Set register=time ; 2: R[6:Hour]=$SYS_TIME.$HOUR ; 3: R[7:Minute]=$SYS_TIME.$MINUTE ; 4: R[9:Fast clock]=$FAST_CLOCK ; 5: R[8:second]=(R[9:Fast clock] MOD 60000/1000) ; 6: ; 7: !23:00-7:00 ; 8: IF (R[6:Hour]=7 AND R[7:Minute]=0 AND R[8:second]<=1),R[2:NG 23-07]=(R[1:NG Count]) ; 9: !Reset NG counter ; 10: IF (R[6:Hour]=7 AND R[7:Minute]=0 AND R[8:second]>1 AND R[8:second]<2),R[1:NG Count]=(0) ; 11: ; 12: !7:00-15:00 ; 13: IF (R[6:Hour]=15 AND R[7:Minute]=0 AND R[8:second]<=1),R[2:NG 23-07]=(R[1:NG Count]) ; 14: !Reset NG counter ; 15: IF (R[6:Hour]=15 AND R[7:Minute]=0 AND R[8:second]>1 AND R[8:second]<2),R[1:NG Count]=(0) ; 16: ; 17: !15:00-23:00 ; 18: IF (R[6:Hour]=23 AND R[7:Minute]=0 AND R[8:second]<=1),R[2:NG 23-07]=(R[1:NG Count]) ; 19: !Reset NG counter ; 20: IF (R[6:Hour]=23 AND R[7:Minute]=0 AND R[8:second]>1 AND R[8:second]<2),R[1:NG Count]=(0) ; 21: ;
Hi, of course it can be done, see the tutorial.
I don't know how exactly you proceed and whether you are doing something wrong... try to follow the instructions, but instead of 3D files from the library, put the actual 3D files there.I would love to help you more, but it's quite a long process and I can't write it out here step by step.
Alternatively, try watching YouTube, there are also more instructions there. -
I think he is referring to the RoboGuide Help "Utility". Like the Help that most windows programs have.
Just press F1 (just as in most Windows programs). RoboGuide's Help is actually really, really good 😊
that's exactly what I meant.
details of instructions for opening and closing the 3D model are directly in Roboguide Help (as well as instructions for opening and moving doors, tables...)
Hi, I would make a "set Quick master" in the zero position to be sure. and then just put it in the transport position.
hi, lately everyone here on the forum just refers to the supplier's Fanuc or the manual...
There are more possibilities, but as the first and simplest I thought of something similar:
1: IF (RI[1]=ON),$PLST_PARNUM[1]=(6) ;
2: IF (RI[1]=OFF),$PLST_PARNUM[1]=(7) ;RI[1] -gripper signal (ON,OFF)
$PLST_PARNUM[1]- activ payload (6,7)
Hello, I am also making an effort to comprehend the software. Would you be willing to share this resource with me as well?
ok, where can i send it to you?
Hello, I have a 760 page manual,,iRPickTool_operator_manual_[B-83924SK_01],, Where can I send it to you? (46mb)
Go to an electrical store somewhere and buy the first batteries you find.
They are classic TYPE-C (or TYPE-D) batteries.You don't have to get them from Fanuc. ...That's the advantage that you can buy them at any store at any time (we can also buy them at gas stations, groceries...)
If I understand correctly, when you press the stop button, you need the robot to stop smoothly when braking.
You will definitely not be able to do it with the program (the program turns off after pressing the stop button).
I don't know exactly where it needs to be changed, but some time ago we solved it in the opposite case (we needed the robot to stop immediately when pressing stop). We had to somehow change the "Stop category" (Fanuc service solved it).I am forwarding a quote from the manual:
When the motor power is shut down while the robot is moving, the robot’s momentum causes it to move some distance before it completely stops. Stop Position Prediction is a function to predict the stop position according to the current moving direction and speed, and predicts that the axis will exit the safe zone when the predicted stop position is out of the safe zone. In this case, the robot will shut down motor power earlier to minimize the stopping distance beyond the defined safe zone. The stop position prediction is disabled by default. In this case, the alarm occurs when the shape model exits the safe zone, and the stop position of robot is out of the safe zone for the stopping distance. Please refer to "1.7 STOPPING DISTANCE" about stopping distance. To enable the stop position prediction, select "DEFAULT" or "USER" for mode of the target axis in DCS stop position prediction menu.
This distance depends on the type of robot, payload, and speed, but mostly it is proportional to the speed. Stop Position Prediction predicts the stop position so that the stopping distance is 0 mm at 0 mm/sec and is increased proportionally with increased speed. The proportion factor is setup in the DCS Stop Position Prediction menu. The default of the proportion factor is set as 1.5 times the value of the stopping distance at the maximum speed and maximum payload for each robot. When Stop Position Prediction is used with the default setting, motor power is shut off farther away from the border of the zone when speed is increased. The proportion factor is different between Stop Category 0 and Stop Category 1, and set up individually. When the stop type of Joint Position Check is Stop Category 0, the proportion factor of Stop Category 0 is used. When the stop type of Joint Position Check is Stop Category 1, both the proportion factor of Stop Category 0 and Stop Category 1 are used. When the predicted stop position calculated by the proportion factor of Stop Category 1 is out of the safe zone, a Stop Category 1 is performed. When the predicted stop position calculated by the proportion factor of Stop Category 0 is out of the safe zone, a Stop Category 0 is performed. This means that Stop Category 0 is always done if the stopping distance of a Stop Category 0 is greater than a Stop Category 1. When the stop type is set to "Not stop", Stop Position Prediction is not used. Please refer to Section 7.11 SETUP STOP POSITION PREDICTION for details of the Stop Position Prediction menu.
I would probably write to you in the same way. what do you have in the ini_paint and stop_paint programs?
BLAL signals weak batteries (it's just a warning). They need to be replaced as soon as possible while the robot is on.
If you replace them while the robot is switched off, you will get a BZAL error (the robot calibration is required here).1.) remove the error BZAL ...MENU-SYSEM-MASTER/CAL -F3-RESPCA
2.) Restart the robot (errors will be removed)
3.) In JOINT movement you have to move each axis
4.) put all axes on the calibration marks
5.) confirm the QUICK MASTER option (menu-system-master/cal)
6.) confirm the last option calibrate and you should have the robot ready for launch. (If you use DCS, you must also confirm that.)Pulsecoder alarm status:
- SPHAL When this bit is 1, it indicates a soft phase alarm (abnormal acceleration).
- STBERR When this bit is 1, it indicates a start/stop bit alarm.
- CRCERR When this bit is 1, it indicates a CRC alarm
- DTERR When this bit is 1, it indicates a data alarm.
- OHAL When this bit is 1, it indicates an over heat alarm.
- LDAL When this bit is 1, it indicates a diode abnormal alarm.
- BLAL When this bit is 1, it indicates the low voltage alarm of the battery.
- PHAL When this bit is 1, it indicates a phase alarm.
- CMAL When this bit is 1, it indicates a count miss alarm.
- BZAL When this bit is 1, it indicates an exhausted battery alarm.
- PMAL When this bit is 1, it indicates a pulse miss alarm.
Hey, thanks for the pics. I see similar screens on mine,
But the offset has a value for Z also, but this value does not change with each vision shot although x, y, and R values do. The Z value only changes on each layer. There is a laser on this robot also. I cannot find where that laser writes a Z value in VR1 though. Can I even write a value to VR1 or does this come strictly from the camera?
If you use a laser sensor, the value is written somewhere other than in VR. Values are written only from the camera to the vision register. I would look for this Z value somewhere in GI, or it can be forwarded somewhere in the registers.
But if you send the aforementioned backup, we can give you more advice on that.
If you only have a 2D camera without an additional laser sensor to measure the height, you can "measure" the height with a "scale", of course it's not exact, but if your parts are quite tall and there is a big difference in the scale between layers, you can also use that .
Alternatively, you can do 4 vision processes for each layer separately.
But without you sending us a backup, we won't find the answer to how you programmed it.
Hi, first I apologize for my poor English (I only use a translator).
,,This is where I'm confused again because I thought I would have to have a main program or something to run in the background and wait for an input, but one of the outputs for a program call is a value of 0. If I were to have an IF statement looking for a value of 0 watching inputs, it would always try to run that because it would always be 0 whether the program call is active or not. I suppose I could add a modifier such as IF (program call) AND (call for robot service), but that seems messy and I'm digressing. ,,
For example, if we are waiting for the machine to open the door so that the robot can enter, use the "waiting" command written as on+ / off+ before the condition, here only the leading edge of the given signal is checked, not its current state. example:
Wait DI (1)=OFF+
IF DI(1)=OFF ,JMP LBL....If I use PNS/RSR/whatever, the robot will sit idle and somehow simply execute each program as it's called and I don't have to have a main program running in the background or anything. Right?
correctly, UOP signals are used to start the robot "remotely". with the PNS/RSR signal you define the program number (for example: PNS001). select this program with the PNS strobe signal and then start the cycle with UI6 (of course, safety must be met and errors must be reset). The robot must simultaneously receive four signals: U1(IMSTP), U2(HOLD), U3(SFSPD), UI8(Enabled).
do not forget that when using UOP signals, you must have the System-config-REMOTE/LOCAL setup set correctly.
I apologize if I made a mistake somewhere, but I hope I helped/directed you at least a little.