We are brand new to the Kawasaki world and need a little help setting up a gripper using the harness coming out of the arm. Are the wires coming out of the arm pre defined?
Optional Harness
Noob1982 -
February 20, 2020 at 5:58 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Welcome to the forum...………..
What arm are you referring to and what do you mean exactly by 'predefined'?
The wiring harness that comes out of the arm on joint 4. We have a gripper that we want to control using that harness and were wondering if we can wire it directly from the harness to the gripper. I am a little confused looking at the book that shows the diagram.
So what arm is it, please provide some further information so that I am not guessing?
Was this harness already fitted from Kawasaki or an integrator?
My apologizes
Its a RS007L and the harness was already installed from the factory. Here are a couple pictures to help.
I hate those things, Kawasaki do not make things easy sometimes because of wire coloring and being loose, although it always marries up with documentation.
You would be better opening up cover on Robot Arm I think long cover on side of Joint 2 for RS7 and revealing circuit board assembly to be 100%.
Here you will find:
Arm ID Board
Extended IO Board containing 12 inputs and 8 outputs:
CN2 - Is for Robot Arm Outputs - Valves
CN3 - Is for Robot Arm Inputs - Sensors
Here you will find that if you have ordered both optional harness, that they are connected to CN2 and CN3
You can then map back correct colors to documentation.
All Arm IO configuration is carried out in Aux 0607, this is where you set signal allocation no. to Arm IO, by start no. and amount of signals to use.
You may want to consider adding more IO to the system, so that you can allocate IO to Arm IO separate from main IO allocation.
You do this by increasing amount of IO in Aux 0611, then using the new numbers you've just added and map them to Arm using Aux 0607.
In addition to this, notice must be made to your external peripheral requirement for either NPN or PNP requirement.
I believe there is a jumper attached to the board to swap between NPN and PNP, but make sure to wire the inputs/outputs according to the NPN/PNP requirement.
Thank you that clears up a lot of confusion.
You're welcome, I would feed back to Kawasaki if you can any negative points you can raise between the delivered harness and documentation provided, and maybe they may look at improving it.
Otherwise it would be more beneficial to just purchase the system without the harness and then make your own up after.
It may well be a little cheaper too.
Oh and another tip, when you see the word COM in Kawasaki, this doesn't necessarily mean 0V, a lot or people assume COM is 0V, it is not, it is just used for the common rail.
Attached is the Arm ID Manual, sometimes this is a better reference for the Arm IO.