SSGW-337 procedure parallel for nx100.
need to cfg amster in 17 to welder error 0320
need to cfg slave in 16 error 0320
running out of time
SSGW-337 procedure parallel for nx100.
need to cfg amster in 17 to welder error 0320
need to cfg slave in 16 error 0320
running out of time
SSGW-337 is Ethernet IP PCI card setup for DX100. SSGW-222 is Ethernet IP PCI for a NX100 controller.
Is it error 0320 Can not operate Check-run or Alarm 0320 Verify Error (IO Module)? I am assuming Alarm 0320.
Are the boards identified in maintenance mode under option board? Did you answer "Yes" to "Modify?"
Do you see the boards identified under IO Module in maintenance mode? If so, what ST#?
Do you have the correct controller software for the boards that you have installed?
Looks like we'll have to go discrete to the welder. I cannot seem to clear the 3607 board comms. I was able to see the 3606 and get it mapped after clearing up some ip addressing. This NX doesn't allow you to see scanner adapter to allocate.
Some success to find that we need to get our hands quickly on a wet up guide for an nx100 with external spot weld controller. Or someone call me at 205-217-3173 and share with me how to get the weld instruction to divert from the now gone integrated madear board to discrete I/O
Thank you in advance for any good information