IRC5 Automatic Backup Software provide periodic backup from IRC5 system to external computer. This software running on external PC and does not need any addon on robot. You can get backup easly on IRC5 systems. This software making automatic backup from robot controller with preset frequency.
You can use example 1 hour. Software will take backup from system hourly. This software is demo and you can use only for 2 hour. After two hours program will be terminate. When the program restarted two hours start again. If you want to buy full version please contact to me.
Configuration template:
Installation: Download attached zip file and run setup.exe.
Robot Backup Folder: Temporary created backup folder name on robot. This folder will be delete after completing backup from software.
Local Path: Backup path on external pc. Backup will be download from robot controller to local path with following folder name: ControllerName_DateTimeNow
Last Backup: This component show last backup date.
Today:This component show now date.
Next Backup:This component show programmed next backup date.
Frequency: For example 1 hour. Every hour software will make backup to local path.
Backup Selected: Make new Backup to Local path from selected controller.
Backup All: Make new Backup from all online controllers.
Save:Save changed settings.
.zip file include setup.exe, default XML settings, Software and Runtime installation. This is first release if you have any problem do not hesitate contact to me.
Note: Robot and External PC must be same IP Adress range and subnet mask. You can use any LAN ports with correctly have IP settings or service port for network.
Robot IP: IP and Subnet Mask (Service Port)
External PC: IP and Subnet Mask
Download Link: