IRB 1400 S4 Controller buy boot disk but can't use — ABB Robotics User Forums (
do some reading up on what you need but i believe these 2 thread may have what you need
IRB 1400 S4 Controller buy boot disk but can't use — ABB Robotics User Forums (
do some reading up on what you need but i believe these 2 thread may have what you need
Then send the bill to the thief
you need the robotstudio 4.0 cd.
Since robotstudio 3.1 and 4.0 are past end of life for support, if you get a copy of 3.1, it comes with a license fix. 4.0 does not but after some testing, the fix works for 4.0 too. just a heads up for those still needing those old studios.
move your station in the studio under motion configuration first untill you get the workobj centered on real positioner. not sure what you mean by the quaterinions values. remember to use station values
use the center robtarget programmed in the studio and tranferred to robot to know when you've moved it enough
then create a new workobject centered on your rotating plate minus how much you shifted your stn1 and move the robtargets to that new workobject moving the points . then copy them back to your original workobj stn1 without moving the points.
ive described how to move the robtargets in earlier posts
if you use the jogging on the pendant and use wobjstn1, position 0,0,0 should go to the center of your rotating plate in the robot.
Then create a point center to the plate in the studio in wobjstn1. transfer that to the robot and go to the point. Note the position in jogging on the pendant..That should give you the offset you need to move the stn1 in the studio to line it up
under paths&targets right click the vc and then motion configuration.
you can connect robotstudio to your controller and do the same for it
compare the station position values
you may need to adjust the stn1 position in the virtual controller. my station values and controller values are different. I had to adjust my station values 25mm in the z and -135 degrees in the rz to match my robot
how much is it out on the real positioner?
create a robtarget on the rotating plate at center in the studio using your wobjSTN1 and copy it to the real controller and see the difference
the only issue is if you move the stn1 values, it will move all the points too. The workobj will center in the real robot but it will take the points with it in the real robot.
You could record how much you shift your stn1 and then create a new work object minus that shift and move the points to it allowing the points to move and then move them back to the proper workobj not allowing the points to move.
Let me know if you understand... its a little bit of screwing around because the studio stn1 didn't match the real stn1 before you started programming.
so is the stn1 baseframe off in robotstudio?
Did you create the cell or did it come from the robot supplier. I received a pack and go of our new cell and i had to modify baseframe in the pack and go to match the robot.
ok no problem. create the new workobj centered on the rotating plate.
on the lefthand plane under the tab paths and targets, you should see a tree structure. You'll see you virtual controller and your robot. Under that will be tooldata, workobjects & targets, Paths and procedures. right-click workobject and select create workobj.
A window will open and you will create the new workobj in the right spot.
set name, false,STN1,false .. apply
This will create a user frame on the rotating plate. and you will see the new frame in the tree under workobjects. Now this is just the userframe attached to the rotator. if you wish to attach a part to the rotator you can create an object frame on the part and program all the points off that object frame. The object frame is attached to the userframe which is attached to the rotating plate so all your points will rotate with the rotator.
to create the workobj right click your new frame in the tree and do modify workobject.
In the same box you created the userframe, scroll down to workobj and frame by points.
Choose the way you wish to create the frame...3 point.....2 on the x, 1 on the y.
use the snap function to select your point in the model. make sure the pink box is highlighted before you click the point and it will populate the data to the box. do all 3 points. hit apply
Now you may want to adjust the xyz direction of the new workobj. go back to the same box where you created the workobject and open rotational rx,ry,rz. Correct the orientation and apply
Now your ready to move your points to the new workobject.
you said all your points are in workobj 0?
Go back to the tree and open workobj 0 fully to see all the points.
highlight first point and scroll to the last point. Hold the shift and click the last point. all the points will highlight. now rightclick the list and goto move to workobj and select the new workobj.
It will bring up a message asking if you want to reposition the points...say no
Thats it... sync to vc be sure to select the new workobject when syncing to the vc.
if you copied the points, you can delete them from workobj 0 . if you moved them you should be good.
I should point out this is all conditional that your cells positioner is set up right.
goto the same lefthand window and click layout. under layout, open your positioner.
under links you should have one for the rotating plate and a frame. make sure the frame is in the center of plate rotation
so let me try to get this right. You have a workobject made that is suppose to be on the center of the rotating plate but it is not and you have all your points taught but are in workobj 0
You want to fix the workobject on the plate and attach all your point to that workbject? or to another workobjct attached to the plates workobject and move the point there?
You want to move robtargets from one workobject to another?
On the left window under path&targets open the corresponding workobject and right click the robtarget or multiply move or copy to workobject. Select the workobject you wish to copy to. It will ask if you want to move the points, say no if you want the points in the same position just related to the new workobject.
Yes you need license because it's part of the modeling aspect of robotstudio. If you download robotstudio and install on a fresh machine you will have 30 days evaluation.
Open your controller in robotstudio and search for wobjDTR:=. Search controller and see if you've declared it elsewhere. just delete the one you don't want.
1. open the studio after you connect the controller. Put the robot in manual
2. goto the controller tab and add controller tab and click your controller.
3. goto the next tab to request write access. acknowledge on pendant
4 goto rapid tab and click find/replace and choose find
5. type wobjDTR:= and choose current controller to find all instances of that txt.
Don't search the the entire declaration because they could be different and it wont see it, and don't search just the name wobjDTR because that will be in every line of code that contains that workobject.
Include the := That will find all the declarations on the controller. The list will appear in the bottom output screen.
You can delete the duplicate and hit the tab apply. the error message should disappear.
If the declarations are different then you may want to copy the one to a notepad before you delete it incase you delete the wrong one.
cancel write access and carry on
Trying to build a rw 5.XX system?
can you pull it from the controller?
Media Pool — ABB Robotics User Forums (
Use the file transfer tool
old 5.XX rw isn't available in the studio anymore under rw addins
no, the spot laser has a door that opens every time it goes to make a measurement
You are not going to measure any torque using the wire no matter how slow the robot goes. Touch sense uses a voltage in the wire and detects the part when the wire grounds on the part. I think there is some confusion on what you were planning to do. Touch sense is pretty reliable. We have it on all our robots. Yaskawa, ABB doing exactly what you want your robot to do..price it out. It will save you headaches for sure.
Our last robot came with touch thru the wire and a little spot laser. I only use the spot laser. I have had reflective issues a few times but that was mostly from measuring at too much angle to the part. If you measure directly adjacent, i've never had an issue. It's a lot faster than using the wire too. Everything we weld is mild steel btw
I wouldn't trust using the cup either, i'd be afraid of bending my gooseneck
or touch sense with the mig wire...that's probably a little cheaper then a camera or laser. You'll have to price it though but it's another option. Using torque values to locate a seam isn't anything i've seen before. Wouldn't be my go to.
If the goal is to run an unshifted square followed by a shifted square and then end...i think its ok. Could have used an IF instead of a For but that your call.
delete the original before you copy the new job over
You could try this... for yrc1000
Im unsure if it will overwrite a system job by but it's worth a shot
step mode...steeping is a typo
If you call a function and its nostepin, it will not step through the function. It will execute as if you had stepped through one instruction.
I don't believe macro will perform the instructions. I could be wrong but we use touch sense macros and it skips over the instruction if you're stepping through the program.. I've never created any so I could be wrong. You can always read up on macros here:
Auto starts in the main and ends in the main.
If you start in the auto and you decide to make edits to you program by putting in it manual, you can go back to auto and continue as long as you don't lose the program pointer. If you lose the pointer, putting back to auto will cause it to want to put the program pointer to main.
The controller will tell you you're about to lose the pointer with a message usually when you try modifying the instruction where the pointer is.
When you put back in auto you will get a message to acknowledge that the program pointer is going back to main. It should not just be jumping back to the main without acknowledging.
Next time move the pointer with PP to cursor and then modify the point or instruction. You can move the pointer back afterwords and it should still continue in auto.
If you lose your program pointer the only fix is put the pointer to main and restart in Auto and then flip to manual and step through to where you were. You can move the program pointer within the routine with PP to Cursor, jumping code quickly. Step into proc calls to enter new routines until you reach your last position where you were. Flip to auto and it should continue. If you have a positioner you will need to step through the ActUnit instruction, can't skip it.
It's useful to have a ! (Comment Instruction) alone on the last line before EndProc. This gives you the ability to jump to the end of your routine without having the robot move to that last position in the routine before you exit the proc. If you have a program with alot of different routines, it makes it easier and faster to step through.
ALL Programs to run in auto need to be loaded from the main. You can not load a routine manually and flip to auto and run it. It will always want to put the PP to Main as soon as you put it in auto.
I hope this explanation of how it works helps you.