I am using a KRC4 with RSI 3.1 and I am trying to configure it
The KRC4 is in a network alongside 2 computers
krc4 has ip
all with
everyone can ping anyone ( from krc4 side I ping from windows minimizing the HMI )
I have copied the files RSI_Ethernet.src, RSI_Ethernet.rsi, RSi_Ethernet.rsi.xml, RSI_Ethernet.rsi.diagram, RSI_EthernetConfig.xml to the right folders according to the manual
I have added the ip address to the program RSI-Network (found in the windows start menu)
I have added the ip address to the RSI_EthernetConfig.xml
When i start the server program, that came along with the other files, I get the following messages:
Listen on IP-address:fe80::94f3::56b etc etc
Some error occur while check IP-address
and it shows nothing
I know I should use the ip for the .xml that the server program should provide if it worked, but I have no idea what ip I must use to the RSI-Network
Also in the log file of rsi I find:
ERROR tLRS_HP 11:22:07.596 : Unerwarteter Zustandsόbergang: INIT -> ERROR
ERROR tLRS_HP 11:22:07.596 : Implizite Abschaltung durch den Treiber!
ERROR tLRS_HP 11:25:38.504 : In file /rsi_EthernetXML_IComm.cpp line 256: Error while send data (UDP). code:6
ERROR tLRS_HP 11:25:38.504 : In file /rsi_EthernetXML_IComm.cpp line 257: Can't communicate to target IP: Port:49152
ERROR tLRS_HP 11:25:38.504 : In file /rsi_EthernetXML.cpp line 801: Ethernet: Error while send.
ERROR tLRS_HP 11:25:38.504 : In file /rsi_TaskFrame.cpp line 206: Executing object b255444