Hi guys,
My questions are as follows,
1.Is there a different access procedure for the Robot Forum link that's says "External Auto without PLC" post. It says I don't have access rights and redirects to the home page.
If someone could share me the same that would be great.
2. I modified my Cell.src to call the program number from my HMI so for this I replaced PGNO with $IN[3000] (grouped from 3000-3015 as Integer) from the HMI. But it didn't work, the errors on the smartpad says invalid/incorrect type assigned to Switch , should be INT, char or enum. Can someone explain how this is properly done?
3. Is it compulsory that the controller should first be in T1 then bought to home position and then turn on EXT mode wait for 100ms to drop move enable.? Can someone help me here please? I would like to know what IN and OUT I need to turn on EXT mode and click on the program number from my hmi? Thanks
4. Can I swap $OUT[993]...$OUT[996] to IN ?
5. Should the signals be coils ? Or holding registers?
And if it is a holding register is this a two byte register or just declare one byte high/low?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hmi operates as modbus tcp master to the gateway device and robot controller acts as a profinet io master to the gateway. While gateway is a slave device on both ends.