Is there a way to hide the execution of a program in TP?
I want to make some calculation before a motion but I don't want in STEP to enter that program line by line.
Thank you!
Hide execution
Casius -
March 3, 2018 at 10:25 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Not really sure what you are asking. But you mention STEP mode. If you do not want to do this when manually stepping through a program, you can just press the STEP button so the code goes line by line. When you get to the calculations, just take your thumb off of the shift button, and use the arrow keys to scroll past the calculations.
If you want to not use the step button, but still in teach mode, then you can create a jump lbl based on a condition. Say if your tp is enabled, jump to label 200, or whatever.
Thank you for your answer.
I cannot jump those lines, I just want run them without pressing FWD for each line in that subprogram.
Maybe I have to change Step statement type. -
Correct. If you have step enabled, it will go line by line and stop at every line until you push the fwd button again.
If you have step disabled, it will go line by line without stopping.
menu-->test cycle---> Step Statement Type----motion