I am trying to create from backup, but RS wont let me because robot uses RW 5.10. How can I get the RW i need?
Posts by cat91345
When you say "downloaded into robot studio" you mean you created a virtual system from the backup or you just opened the backup?
If you created the virtual system, in the controller tab you can find the virtual flexpant in the controller tools section, just launch it.
I connected to a real robot. I want to be able to see all that code on a virtual pendent. Then use all that code to control robot in RS.
Hi, I have all the code from the real robot downloaded into robot studio, but how do I convert all that code to the pendent in RS? I want to be able to access the program in RS just like I do on the real robot.
In your screenshot, you have "Jog Joint" selected which might be contributing to your problem.
i can’t move at all when I have move and rotate highlighted. When I try joint robot crashes into table.
I think it’s the snap I haven’t figured out how to turn it off. -
I run into this problem frequently. I will be moving the robot freehand linear and then out of nowhere the robot just crashes into the table. I reset the robot and now I cant freehand linear at all, and when I freehand joint and click on the robot tool, all my coordinate arrows are at base of robot. When I try and jog those arrows at the base, the robot crashes. I am at a loss.
I have valid license for RS and palletizing. After building robot and controller where I added the 642-2 palletizing power pac it’s not in my add ins menu. I’ve downloaded the power pac from ABB website and I’m trying to follow the tutorial in Udemy but nothing is working. This is so frustrating!
Just to verify, this is on IRC5? If you created the RobotStudio station from a backup of your real controller, you will see your code in the RAPID tab just as you would with a real controller. In the Controller tab, you have the ability to use a virtual FlexPendant which can be used to get your trainees familiar with the menus and such, and it will also let you modify a position using the modify position button in the program editor.
Irc5, yes. I cannot use the modify button with the way these robots were programmed. Every time you go PP to main the adjustment you made when you push modify will be wiped out.
I have the code uploaded into RS, how do I run simulation using actual code used on floor robot ? I need to train techs but boss doesn’t want to use real robot. I need to show them how to make adjustments. The hard part is I can’t use modify button on these robots. All adjustments have to be made mathematically. I have a paid subscription to RS, along with the conveyor pallet pack. I just haven’t figured out how to use it.
I would have to see the actual program modules to completely understand what's going on here, but it seems as if some RAPID code is executing that "resets" the Z value of those points.
as you see in line 181 and 188, i have to change the Z in both line in order for robot to change height when it picks up product off the line. If i don't change in both locations, it won't work.
It'll make it easier to test, certainly. If you have the licensed RS, you can build a virtual duplicate of your real robot from a backup and do actual code execution.
The real benefit of RS is that it makes it much easier to trace down all occurrences of a variable.
"Change in 2 positions"? I don't understand what you mean.
Robtargets are always defined relative to a WObj. You can offset positions by changing the Robtarget, or by altering the WObj. You should not have to change both.
Any WObj or RT should only be recorded in one location, like:
CONST robtarget pToolRackPounce:=[[1900.91,21.85,989.61],[0.00398645,-0.710583,0.703596,0.002808],[-1,0,-2,0],[354.883,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];That is an implicitly global declaration -- any other RT declared with the same name in another module should cause an error. The only exception would be something like:
LOCAL PERS robtarget pWobj_U_PointX1:=[[4506.385,-1904.591,1311.162],[0.665561676025391,-0.282265663146973,-0.650280237197876,0.233429610729218],[-2,-1,-1,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];The LOCAL limits the scope of that RT to the module it is declared in. In that case, it's possible for points in different modules to have the same name without collisions, but they are completely seprate points -- modifying one has no effect on the others.
"Change in 2 positions"? I don't understand what you mean”
For example, to change the height the robot goes to pickup of infeed I have to go toRobtarget/infeedpick/ change Z
I also have to go to
Robtarget/infeedpickpositionolasticbuckets/change Z
If I don’t change the Z in both locations, the robot reverts to original Z position. -
You should be able to use RobotStudio (free version) to make this easier. Either plug in directly, or import a backup of the robot. You can use tools like "find all references" on a variable to find everywhere it is declared, altered, or used.
You might also want to download a comparison tool like KDIFF3 or WinMerge or BeyondCompare. You can point them at two different backups and get a quick view of which lines in which files changed (and which ones didn't) before and after you made a change, for example.
Also, look through your robot for any occurrences of UnLoad and StartLoad commands. ABB RAPID allows a program to swap program modules between "active" memory and storage. It's possible whoever set that robot up in the past has it set to re-load files from storage. Certain German companies like Thyssen like to use this trick heavily, which makes touching up points something that requires extra care.
“You should be able to use RobotStudio (free version) to make this easier. “
I have subscription to RS, will this make it easier to change positions?
Also, I currently go to robtarget and wobjpallet to change the height of infeed pickup, I have to change it in 2 positions to make it work. How do I know if I change it in all the necessary spots when I use the notepad editor ? -
So I found out since my robot uses routines, I can’t move the robot to that location and modify. Apparently when I PP to main, all the original positions are input. I don’t know how to override this. Apparently I have to go to main program and sift thru thousands of line of code in Notpad.
What version of controller? What version of robotware? Is there UAS set up that does not allow the modification of positions? Why not use the Modify position function key, should be right next to debug.
controller: i can't find the controller info.
I have been trying to use the modify position key but the position won't take. Everytime I start the progream over, it goes back to original positoin. In order to change it i have to to through robtarget and guess the position pretty much. Also i can modify positions from robtarget so it must not be UAS since i can edit from there.
In order to modify positions, why won’t it work when I jog the robot to the location, go to debug, and click modify position ? When I click modify position it asks if I’m sure and it acts like it saved it. However the robot always reverts to the previous location. What all do I need to do to modify positions. Somone today said I need to change the location in Robtarget and wobjdata, or when I PP to main the new number is erased.
Ok I’ll try in the morning. I have 2 ABB robots at work I’m trying to make an online simulation of and making a training based lab. Is there a tutorial that shows how to do this? I bought the palletizing pack in addition to robotistudio, is there anything else I need? I don’t see an option for a vacuum gripper either. How do I get one of them and set up IO to correspond?
Why don't you check the license status?
If you have downloaded the latest released version of RobotStudio, you have to activate your license.
To use the Modeling and Simulation features, you need to export the Virtual Controller to Offline mode.
Create a Virtual Controller using the Installation Manager.
Export the Virtual Controller to Offline mode using the Go Offline function under Controller section.
My license says I have 344 days left, so it must be active. It says it at the bottom of the screen
What options, exactly?
if you look at the pictures I first posted, you see a cluster of buttons where it says “freehand”. I don’t have those buttons. The tutorial uses them to adjust robot
ok, I downloaded the newest version and was able to download robotware. Still my teach target, teach instruction, view robot target is greyed out.
I figured it out, I didn’t create a system. I still don’t have the same options as the tutorial on ABB though.
Looking at the images You posted, Your RobotStudio is too old, 2019.x or probably 6.0x series.
If Yes, Add-ins tab will not work anymore, and You need to find the RobotWare You want and install it manually, and depending on the version of RobotWare You are trying to install, it won't work, either.
To see what is Your version, got to File > Help menus.
Mine is 2023, and its complaining about a new version around.
ok, I downloaded the newest version and was able to download robotware. Still my teach target, teach instruction, view robot target is greyed out.
Except for the changed UI design, most of the functions are implemented in the same way.
For Robotware download, please refer to the "Add-Ins" section.
Please consult the 3HAC032104 (Robotstudio Operation) PDF manual.
I did go to add ins and try to download robot ware but I got an undefined error. Do you know why I don’t have the freehand options like the tutorial ?