Posts by IlFincoITA
I'm still looking for a solution to establish communication between a FANUC robot and a SIEMENS PLC. I’ve looked into the ANYBUS GATEWAYs, specifically the model ABC4013-A Anybus Communicator PROFINET IO-Device - EtherNet/IP adapter.
I’d like to know if anyone has experience with this device, considering it’s not exactly inexpensive.
What concerns me is that, while it’s straightforward to have a GSDML file for the PLC configuration, on the FANUC side the settings are very minimal. They are essentially limited to setting up the robot as an adapter, defining the number of bytes to exchange, and assigning it an IP address.On the robot side, only the Ethernet IP adapter option is available, not the scanner option. I had previously tried another device, the MOXA MGATE 5103, but it didn’t work because an Ethernet IP scanner was required on the Ethernet IP side.
The key point is that when they refer to an Ethernet IP Adapter, they mean the gateway itself. So, clearly, a scanner, such as a PLC, must be connected to the gateway and vice versa... because there is also a version from the same brand with an Ethernet IP scanner, and I assume that in this case, an adapter would be connected to it.
Thank you very much... I had no doubt that this possibility existed. Sorry for taking a bit of advantage of the forum to get a quicker response.
Hi... I still have little experience with FANUC robots, even though I’ve already worked on a few of them. I come from the KUKA environment and wanted to know if FANUC also has something like a "hibernation mode." In other words, the ability to resume the execution of a program from the point where it was when the controller was last turned off.
For example, on the robot I’m currently working on, after powering it back on, the motion program that was running is restarted from the beginning.
Hello everyone... I’m trying to use this library to exchange signals and data with a FANUC Robot. The communication works, but it’s really slow. Keep in mind that, for example, if I activate an output on the Robot, I can see it on the PLC only after 400/500ms. I wasn’t expecting miracles from this library, but neither this kind of delay. The Cycling interrupt [OB30] that handles the communication has a clock time of 10ms. I’ve also tried decreasing it to 3ms or increasing it to 100ms, but there’s no noticeable improvement.
From a hardware perspective, I have a CPU 1214C FW 4.5 connected to a PC running WinCC RT and the FANUC Robot LR Mate 200iD V9.30P/33 and the 1A05B-2600-R784 Ethernet/IP Adapter
Has anyone achieved better results with this library?
Hi... SkyFire it is exactly that line...
AxesBitMast is set to -1 (all configured axes)
Finally I succeeded setting AxesBitMask='b111111' as previusly mentioned in this discussion.
Thanks a lot...
I'm unable to found which line of code generates that error since this program can't be executed using the "single step" run mode.
I've just noticed that inside WorkVisual at the beginning of this program there is a ;fold {h} and that at the end there is the ;endfold
This could be a sort of protection for the entire program since you can't open this folder.
I'll try to run this program with higher privileges than exper or remove those lines and run the program again.I've forgotten to mention that I'm on KRC5 micro with KSS 8.7.6 with
This is the first time I've had to perform the brake test. I have read the entire procedure from the supplementary manual. However, after selecting and starting program BrakeTestReq I see the dialogue message and select BT manually but reached the start position I got the error message KSS01446 which I don't understand...
Importing the backup into Robotstudio I found that there is a signal that could be related to this matter. The signal is "iVsys_MotorOFF". But I didn't find where this system signal is managed...
Hi! As soon as I activate the motors I receive this error. What I've checked is the A21 Panel Board and everithis is fine for me. All the LEDs are ON. No external contactor is installed and above all where is this contactor supposed to be wired? It seems an internal error... maybe in one of the board but I do not know ABB enought. Some ideas?
The controller is an IRC5 M2004 Drive system 3G3T -
I've used the ESI coming from BECKHOFF for the EL6692 Device (primary).
1. In my case it was KRC4 KSS 8.6
2. Sorry I don't know it because I did only the Robot side.
3. Only one Robot
4. No problems at all...
Hi! I found in the HMI that Output 138 and 139 are already assigned to SYS.
How can I find out where or what these outputs have been assigned to? I've checked in the signal assignment for the external automatic, but they're not there... where could they be, and how can I trace them?
Hello! It's resolved. There was another error that I hadn't mentioned before, and it was the PC fan error. The fan connector wasn't properly connected. This error was causing the Drive Ready issue.
Yes thank you. I have another KRC2 controller on site in case I need to try ESC and CI3 replacement.
The fact is, I'm using the blind connector X11 that I usually use to move the old KRC2 robots, and it has always worked. I'll try to check the pinout again.
I forgot to mention another thing. Once the controller is started, I'm reminded that the robot needs calibration and that the robot data is incorrect. I enter the correct robot data, and a message about inconsistency between RDC and HARD DISK data appears. I don't remember which option should be chosen on that system. I selected HARD DISK. Is it possible that there is an incorrect security configuration...
Hi! I'm testing stand alone an used Robot. This is a KR 180-2 PA with KRC2 ed05. I've got eoor KR 310 Safety circuit not ready. It can be related to the EXTERNAL Drive? I've power cable that comes directly out on the base of the robot (no connector on robot base side). But there is another connector signed X33 that comes out of the RDC box. I do not know where that connector should go on the KRC2...
Hi! I need to understand something. When we are in AUTO and the drives are on and the program is running if I pressed to stop button (that squared red on the KCP) the robot stop and the drives still remain on. The same thing doesn't seem possible in AUTO EXT where there is no input for this purpose. The only similar thing that seemed possible to me was through the management of MOVE_ENABLE, but it's not the case. Or rather, according to the graph on page 294 of the "Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators," where the "Restart after motion enable" is described, if MOVE_ENABLE switches to false, the drives should remain on. However, in the description of the system variable $MOVE_ENABLE, it is explicitly stated that the drivers are turned off.
A linear axis robot system has just arrived at the company. However, in the loaded project on the controller, the axis has not been included, and I only have the robot. The insertion of the KL 4000 axis is done by importing the object from the catalog in WorkVisual. I would like to summarize below what I have done to make sure I understood correctly.
The system appears as shown below.
Now it seems to me that the robot is mounted at 90° and the rack is in position 1
This following part is completely unclear to me, but according to the manual, I should simply enter the values related to how the robot is mounted on the axis. These values are reported in the manual.
What I expect now is that this is a unified system and that each registered point will now consist of X, Y, Z, A, B, C, and E1.So, if I register a point relative to a base, all the coordinates will be relative to that base, including the linear axis. In other words, if I move the base, the entire system will follow it, just as it happens without the linear axis.