Yes, exactly - it's for VASS project, we didn't receive from client any requirements for specific PS version except "16". All hotfixes are installed, FANUC RJ_VW tools are rather up to date too - v3.21.2_08_03_2023.
For some robots usually the problem does not occur or appears after longer time, for other really often, even on first/second run. I noticed it has more problems with robots with 7th axis.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since RCS connects and somehow work I don't think that it is caused by PS.
Posts by Atex
I have problem with local RCS for Fanuc on Process Simulate 16.0. It connects and work for some time when I am teaching robot, but after short time I get big lag in Process Simulate and RCS is terminated. When I want to connect robot again I am getting error:
"Error code (-70): specified manipulator type is not valid."
I tried to reinstall controller, clean robot data etc. I found possible solution by removing instance.cfg file but didn't help. When that error appears, the only solution is to restart entire PC until error appears again.
Do you know what can cause it? Thank you in advance. -
I know it's a bit old thread, but for myself the problem was with path for Java. I needed to select another file. Not "java.exe", but "javaw.exe" otherwise I was not able to make downloads.
Seems to be a robot that's used at Daimler (now Mercedes :-)). May be they have something like automatic export, or the integrator has to make that file in that folder. Haven't seen that at Powertrain standard yet. But there exist several different Daimler standards, don't know all that good.
i do not see that file or the DAI_SafetyExport folder either on OL or in various robot images
Yes, exactly It's Daimler
I work mostly for them (especially safety things) and forgot that they have something like additional packages which could interfere backups looking. My bad, forgive me. It looks that way:Well, I checked VAG backup and there are too .SAFs files, especially
SCTLPARA.SAF and so the problem is with opening these files -
not sure you can... this is part of safety configuration. this means it need to be tamper proof since it is meant to protect human lives. if i was storing this, it would be encrypted. in best case this may be in plain text but with checksum to ensure no tampering but i would not put much hope in that. more likely it is one of the binary files like "safety controller parameters":
I am aware it's for human safety and should be locked from modifications without permissions (login as safety expert on robot).
But...there is file: C\KRC\User\DAI_SafetyExport\SafetyExport.xml
It's practially readable as plain text on PC. Changing values there changes robot checksum, not reference positions since reference position is not stored on that file and I do not understand why I can read safety data easily, but not Reference Position.
The problem is that I am (partially) responsible for safety configuration for several dozen robots and I waste time to load each one separately in WorkVisual, activates safety on it, then rewrite by hand. I wanted to write software which should speed up my work by exporting E6AXIS refpos for my further work.
If one took the extra step to DECL the position in MASREF_START as an E6AXIS rather than the default E6POS, then it should match the Safety Refpos exactly. But that may not help the OP.
Eexactly, I would like to check current stored Reference Position without entering Masref program - remotely, without physical to the robot. I will take a look on that binary file, maybe I will find a way to open it though I doubt I'll make it.
Thank you all for answers. -
I would like to ask whether it is possible to read the reference position for KUKA robots (various Quantec/Fortec/Titan models, KSS 8.3+), but directly from robot files, without opening the .asz project in WorkVisual? I've searched all the robot txt, dat etc. files but I haven't found a single value that matches - neither axes nor cartesian coordinates.
From where robot obtains such coordinates? Thank you very much.