Thank you this has answered my questions.
Posts by BananaMan77777777
That's sounds like what I'm looking for
Looking for some information on how to do a parallel shift that is based on a Register that changes as the robot builds layers. On a Motoman robot I just use the SFTON and SFTOF instructions. Does Fanuc have something similar to this? Thanks
I am wanting to use these signals with CIP safety. I have already set the SNN to the controller, and established comms. Just looking for a better understanding on how S-SAFF works versus the S-EXESP.
Looking for some input on how to utilize the safety signals to safely stop the robot when an operator needs to enter the cell. My understanding is that I need to use the SVOFF first then use S-SAFF to open the safety circuit and prevent robot movement until the safety circuit is closed again.
Safety Signals
SVOFF CAT1 (Turn Off Srv Pwr)
SVOFF CAT0 (Turn Off Srv Pwr)
S-SAFF (Safety Fence Open)
S-EXESP (External E-Stop)
I am looking for information on how to add a adventics manifold with I/O over Ethernet to be a slave to my Yrc1000 controller. I have made the robot a slave to the PLC but haven't found any info on adding an ethernet manifold to the robot. Any help is appreciated.
This issue ended up being resolved when I replaced the teach pendant. Fanuc believes the Deadman switch is faulty.
Recently did a project with 2 YRC 1000 micro controllers and they came with PLC Mapping from the factory. Only needed to change the IP address and then add the robot into the Rockwell software. The PLC Map even came with a spread sheet showing exactly where Yaskawa had mapped every input and output. This map included start signals, servo on signal, etc.
My question is we have a YRC 1000 GP88 on order, does this controller come with a similar PLC map or will I need to go into the CIO ladder editor to set up start, stop, servo on, etc. I believe I will have to set up the adapter to get my universal outputs and inputs. Just looking for some clarification, so I know how prepared I need to be for this setup.
Thanks in Advance
I have an old RJ-2 controller that is giving me a SRVO-021 SRDY OFF G:1 All 6 axis, alarms only when I try to jog the robot in T1 or T2. Robot currently runs in Auto with no errors, but will not run in manual mode at all. This is a robot cell that has been running for about 4 yrs if not longer. Problem started about a week ago and I haven't been able to jog it since. Any help is appreciated
My issue has been resolved. This required a Reburn from Fanuc with the removal of Pallet Tool software. The pallet tool software was conflicting with the Other method of starting.
That is a good hint. I remember that I had one robot in the past configured with Other and UOP. The only way to get this one to work was to clear the IO assignments for the PNS1-8 signals. With that system I have only used UI 1-8 and UO 1-10.
I have no idea why it didn't work with the UOP signals completely mapped because I had many other systems that worked with that setup.
I tried reconfiguring the UOPs as stated above and still not able to start the cell from the UOP inputs. Looks like I will be making another call to Fanuc today.
I want to leave this update as I may have found a fix but will update tomorrow on if it works.
ThreadUnable to Change Program Select Mode
I am having some issues trying to change our Fanuc LR Mate 200iD's program select mode. It came to us in the PNS select mode, and I would like to use the OTHER mode to simplify things.
However, when I try to change the mode and cycle power by shutting the main power off and then on, it simply resets back to the PNS mode of program selection.
Can any one help me out with this one?
Thanks!ACalverley2March 7, 2021 at 4:00 PM -
I am experiencing this same issue on an R30ib Controller. Spent 2 hrs on the phone with Fanuc and they could not help me. I will be trying to reconfigure the UOP inputs and outputs like stated above.
No errors or Alarms are present
Don't you have any spelling mistake in the program name $shell_wrk.$cust_name?
Does the start program exist? -> press SELECT and chect if it's there.
Start program was selected through the options menu from the tp list.
I have done the abort all and nothing changes.
What about Enable UI signals = TRUE or FALSE (set it to TRUE).
It's also hidden in Config (MENU -> SYSTEM -> Config).
Enable UI signals = True
How do you control the UOP signals? Discrete wiring or via PLC and a fieldbus protocol? Did you already check if the mapping of your UOP signals is correct?
RMT_MASTER is set to 0.
TP is off.
Pendant says it's in Auto.
Controlling UOPs over Ethernet with a PLC. I can see the UOPs change states on the pendant from the PLC
Following the manual:
1. If START for CONTINUE only on the system setting menu is set to FALSE, the currently selected program is started from the current line. A temporarily stopped program is also started. (Standard setting)
2. If START for CONTINUE only on the system setting menu is set to TRUE, any temporarily stopped
program is started. This signal is ignored when there is no temporarily stopped program.
Try to use UI[18].
We tried using UI[18] before switching to UI[6] and had the same results.
Check in SETUP what do you have for „START for CONTINUE” - TRUE or FALSE?
In genaral UI[6] is used to start the PAUSED program.
When you want to start a program which is not PAUSED, from the 1st line, use UI[18].
Start for continue only is set to FALSE
Remote is selected in System Config