General question really regarding CIO part 2 (User).
Understandably, I can save the CIOPRG and reload it in, so testing is unlikely to permanently brick the controller.
Somethings I am about to play about with in anger and just thought I'd ask the forum first.
1. Is it safe to wipe the OEM supplied ladders in part 2 (User) without removing critical operational ladders?
- I just assume ALL IO exchange between user interfaces/fieldbus interfaces will stop working - no mapped Specific IO for automatic operations etc and GPIO exchanges etc.
- Will anything else likely to stop functioning with an empty part 2 (User).
2. Do people usually wipe part 2 and create their own specifically to the application or modify the OEM supplied to suit (I appreciate the path of least resistance is favourable)?
3. If you do modify the OEM supplied, do you usually just add the mods to the end, or do you sometimes have to delve into the rabbit hole and add the mods in the already existing ladders.
4. If you do plan to wipe it clean and create your own, are there any do's, don'ts or pitfalls to look out for or be aware of?
As always any advice/opinions/pointers are appreciated....