Hello dear colleagues!
I am working on a dispensing application using the CAD-to-Path feature of Roboguide. I am playing around with the parameters and the best path I could find using STANDARD GENERATION & FILTERING was when I UNCHECKED the CONSIDER ROBOT SPEED parameter. When I do this the robot follows the path exactly as I draw, but of course, the speed of the TCP is not constant, which is a problem if you are dispensing material.
I believe if I go slowly enough the robot can keep a constant speed along the path, so it would be nice to monitor the TCP speed as the robot moves so that I could fine-tune the program's speed.
My plan B is use FIXED DISTANCE ALONG THE FEATURE, which seems to output a good enough result...
Anyways, my question is: What variable can I check to monitor the TCP speed (mm/s)? I've seen some posts talking about this paid option, but is there any free option available, because it seems very stupid having to pay to get this data...
Thanks for the help!