I have a CMOS from our robot. That is GP12 and is mounting on the ceiling. When load CMOS in the Motosim , the robot mounting up but the base of robot stay below. See picture.
What do you think about it?
I have a CMOS from our robot. That is GP12 and is mounting on the ceiling. When load CMOS in the Motosim , the robot mounting up but the base of robot stay below. See picture.
What do you think about it?
did you try to initialize it in maintenance mode, to check if maybe it will correct it?
There are a problem in GP series, you couldn't select robot for mounting on the ceiling, if you initialize it will be on the floor and when use ceiling parameter robot will turn and become same as this.
I think it is only a visualisation problem.
You can change the orientation of the S-axes by opening the robot in the cad tree en go to [controller]-R01_LK0_DUMMY.
With right-mouse -> set-position you can changes the orientation.