when I try to upload an .stl file via Add -> Environment -> Works in K-Roset I get the following error:
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at MoNo.OpenGL.GL.glReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, UInt32 format, UInt32 type, Void* pixels)
at MoNo.OpenGL.MGL.ReadPixels(Box2i r, UInt32 format, GLDataType type, Void* pixels)
at MoNo.OpenGL.MGL.ReadDepthPixels(Box2i r)
at MoNo.GraphicsUT.GetMaxDepth(IView view, Box2i rect)
at MoNo.GraphicsUT.PickScenes(IView view, Box2i rect, Boolean depthTest)
at MoNo.GraphicsUT.PickScenes[T](IView view, Box2i rect, Boolean depthTest)
at KHI.Fortuna.HisuiMain.MRailNew2.IdlingSelection.PickAt(IView view, Point2i pt)
at KHI.Fortuna.HisuiMain.MRailNew2.SceneGraph.PickEntry(IView view, Point2i pt)
at KHI.Fortuna.HisuiViewer.SceneViewerByHisui.PickEntry(IView view, Point2i pt)
at KHI.Fortuna.HisuiViewer.SceneViewerByHisui.MouseClicked(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e, Boolean snap)
at KHI.Fortuna.HisuiViewer.SceneViewerByHisui.<>c__DisplayClass23.<View_MouseClick>b__1f(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Does anybody had the same issue?