Hi All,
I need some advice.
My partner has an ABB IRB140 TIG welding robot (S4Cplus).
I have create a new tool by the 5 point method for the tig torch.
4 approach point and an elongator point for Z axis with a fixed tip.
After that when I jog the robot in orientation mode it is visible, the TCP is not in the point of the tungsten electrode, it seems it is approx. 20 mm upper.
I can took some videos.
Linear movement seems ok, but oriatation is not good...
What can be the problem? I missed something?
With 7 mm tungsten stickout the TCP should be like the attached drawing.
However in the tooldata there are completely different x,y,z values:
I draw these values in the drawing with red lines.
It seems longer than the theoretical values (according to the 3D model).
Thank you for your thoughts.