I'm trying to use Remote TCP, and I want to make relative Tool moves about the remote TCP.
Apparently, the ToolOffset PR[n] motion option does not respect the Remote TCP option, and it uses the actual User Tool, rather than the Fanuc Remote TCP, which is a User Frame.
L PR[99:RelToolMov] R[200:ToolRelMovSPEED]mm/sec FINE Tool_Offset,PR[98:RelToolMovOff] RTCP ;
Q: Is there a method or technique I could use to make relative rotational moves about the Remote TCP?
Remote TCP and ToolOffset PR[x] motion option
Jay Mackey 2 -
October 20, 2022 at 4:42 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Have you tried a regular offset?
This is a pretty long shot, but did you end up finding a solution to this? I'm currently running into this now.
Have you tried a regular offset?
I've been experimenting with Roboguide, and both tool_offset, and offset function relative to the currently active UTOOL, not the RCTP.
How about adding 2 PRs together to use as the point.
I figured it out. The key is $OFFSET_CART. Set to true, it functions the way I want it to, rotating around the RTCP. Set to false, it rotates around the active UTOOL.
The handling tool manual goes over it in detail, but the crux is 1 = multiplicative, 0 = additive.
Edit: This is only true for OFFSET PR[...]. Doesn't work for TOOL_OFFSET PR[...]