i have a work cell welding multiple different parts together to make one part. there are several versions of the final part but the difference is its length. All these versions of the final part use the same jig to locate individual parts. i have a main program which calls out sub programs, one fore each different part. my sub program for POCKETS is dialed in and now i need to do those same welds and moves but -460 mm in Y from their current location. All points in the POCKET program are taught in UF1 and UTOOL1. this shift of the program needs to be permanent and not require me to go change something each time production wants to switch product to run. i would have a different sub program to call out for each different part location ex: POCKET1, POCKET2, POCKET3, etc.
is there a way i can make a copy of my dialed in program, rename it to what i want and shift all the points -460mm in Y? i don't have enough available uframes for each POCKET program to be asigned it's own.