The value of MACHINE_DEF[2].ROOT = {X 920.966919,Y -1698.5,Z 708.146423,A 0.224600002,B 0.282000005,C 0.109399997} is roughly correct as well?
If you set the robot to home A1 0, A2 -90, A3 90, A4 0, A5 0, A6 0 deg and position yourself so that you look at the robot flange. If now you set a static base to $NULLFRAME the BASE.X+ should point at you, BASE.Y+ should point to the right an BASE.z+ upwards (can be checked by jogging in the current base system). In this coordinate system is the external kinematic approximately located at X 920.966919,Y -1698.5,Z 708.146423 measured from the middle of the robots base structure?