I have a kuka KR 360 L280-2 with kuka KRC02 ed05 controller (v5.6.11). I am using it as a 3d printer so that an extruder is linked to VFD and this VFD is connected to the robot via Delta PLC (slave module) in a CANbus network (500 Kbps). The PLC code is set to only receive from the robot and never send anything to it.
In the code I send analog output command ($ANOUT[1]= 0.13875) to increase the speed of the extruder at certain layers.
The problem is that when the robot reaches the analog output command line, it stops for a while then continues, and that is ruining the print !! on the other hand, when there is a command to increase the robot's movement velocity ($VEL.CP=0.01), the robot never stops. It increases the velocity while continuing its path.
The question: is the pause coming from the lag of the CANbus network connection despite its 500Kbps bauderate? or there is a certain parameter I need to change?
You can find a sample code I have tested recently, its about a long straight line divided into several lines in which in between I sent analog commands. Also, the acceleration parameter is set to maximum (I use Kuka PRC for slicing).
Thank you