I do not understand your problem.
Is this way not working?
In $Config.dat declare
SIGNAL weld_job $OUT[65] TO $OUT[96]
In your program
weld_job = 67
You may have to check the byte order
I do not understand your problem.
Is this way not working?
In $Config.dat declare
SIGNAL weld_job $OUT[65] TO $OUT[96]
In your program
weld_job = 67
You may have to check the byte order
Just forgot:
sometimes reading the manual also could be very helpful
I was dealing with arc welding long time ago (almost 40 years).
The gas you are using is also called corgon18 (this gas is very tolerant)
- How sounded the noise while welding?
- What's about spatters?
- What angels you were using?
- Besides welding speed what's about the wire feed speed?
Do you have a picture showing the penetration?
The idea that time (I was dealing with arc welding) was creating a data base using
If this data base would have been available then you would have the answer.
What is chat gpt saying?
Have you checked the youtube videas?
Or just asked Binzel for assistance (I think this would be the best learning curve)?
KUKAVARPROXY and OPC are using the CROSS3 interface to communicate with the window part of the KSS software.
While a program is running most of the variables are write protected.
Changing these variables is only allowed within a running krl program. This can be done within using an interrupt routine triggered by setting an input thru plc (or plc opc communiction).
We also have SPOC involved controlling the writing of variables (maybe in all modes - depending of kss version).
You did not mentioned what command is used to move to these points!
Using LIN commands S and T does not matter (as long as those points are declared as frames)!
if I try to run the same program in the second table the Turn values for A1 are wrong for all the points
For LIN movements the next shortest move is computed by using L2 distance!
As mentioned earlier in this thread by prev posts : EXAMPLE would be very helpful !!!!!
So my question is: Is it a way to change all the Turn values of a .dat file
This would be the third solution
Besides these pictures I also would put the IP- addresses to different interfaces to my sketch. Was this done?
As mentioned more information would be very welcome and helful
Another option would be
(with or without switch (not recommended))
For post #4 and this post there schould be an entry in vxwin.ini: e = Ip address and driver name)
unplug network cable from krc2 and try to ping again
This probably would not help (50:50).
On the vmware PC there a network cards (maybe). One is connetcted to thw windows side of the KRC. Using one wire running to the switch and there seperated for the windows side and the base system side (this would be the standard configuration to have access to both sides)
In windows xp I can ping the computer running the softplc
Which part of the computer you are able to ping?
Windows side or base system side?
(ProConOS is part of the base system)
How is your Network Adapter is set up?
If Bridged or NAT
Which Network Adapter is assigned (LapTops normally have two of them: LAN/WLAN)?
How do you connect to ProConOS (seperate network card to the Base system or Router)?
Do you use the same vmware software or an upgraded version?
A good start would be telling
Also a sketch of you layout would be helpful
There are actually two ways to get some more information:
One little trick: instead of B=90° try B=89.9??° (?? you need to check how close you can get, varies between 00 and 99)
60° is not a strange value, the value is simply correct. As I mentioned angle B = 90° is causing the problem (check post #5) and fubini just stated in post #6 my explanation is correct
This is the symbolic rotation matrix as used by KUKA and more
Having an B angle of 90 deg (cos(90deg) = 0) angle A cannot be calculated and will be set to 0.
The problem is your angle B (+/-90 deg)
In this case the result of angle c = 180 deg -120 deg = 60 deg
(angle A =0)
What values for $POS_ACT.A and $POS_ACT.B do you have?
There actually exists a program to use.
This program is called CHG_POS and you will find it in the \KRC\UTIL\CHG_POS directory.
In the post #105 you could see local settings for Germany and getting the dots on the hmi.
And You are right this has someting to do with post #76 CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
(reading a string and convert to number and also vice versa)
Here we have a simple problem:
check <a href="RE: Kuka Downloads (software, cad...)">Kuka Downloads (software, cad...)</a>
Your local settings are the problem:
Outputs labelled with "SYS" are "SYS"tem outputs and are declared in different places of the system.
Just one example (declared in $machine.dat):
You cannot use $OUT[147] for something else (write protected)
If you want to use $OUT[150] instead then
and $OUT[147] can be used for something else
For some system outputs you have a configuration screen (like AutoExternal interface) and for others not really (predeclared by KUKA).
You also should have a closer look to your i/o system
(The same may apply to the inputs)
Why just only 99.99%?
Check the forum "Robot Geometry, Linear Algebra, Forward and Inverse Kinematics " for more information.
If your robot is floor mounted there is no need to take $ROBROOT into consideration (all values are set to zero => unit matrix)
now i got lost
which conversion tool do you use?
taking some pictures together:
Assuming you have the adapter with the "noses" then you have to rotate around 180 degrees.
(first nose up now nose down)