I´m a newbie with paint robots , and I need a little help with Fanuc robot.
I´m Working with Paint pro V9 rev I, and I have a robot Type ARC Mate 100iD (Not a "Paint robot" but Paint Pro is installed) Firmware is 9.10P
The software is tested on a real robot, so it´s work 100%.
The problem is with the simulation software, I can execute the program in T2, but not in AUTO. When I try to execute the software from the run panel, The Paint Pro software return than the robot is not in production mode.
I now than I need the input UI Start, but 'I can set it from the robot controller. I tried to bind the input to a flag , But Also when I set it to "on" the robot controller return than is not in Automatic (That was too easy).
Fanuc Help Line told me than they make course, but they don´t have a manual to send me (Thanks).
Anyone has fought against this problem, and has a solution?
thank to all