Hi i just want to ask if its possible to change origin of fixture in roboguide .Im importing IGES files from Inventor and their origin is often somewhere else then i need it to be.
Thanks for any help.
Changing origin of fixture.
belnea1 -
November 19, 2018 at 12:56 PM -
Thread is Resolved
You have to change the orgin in Inventor. Constrain your part to the origin.
I know that can be done but i want to know if it can be done in roboguide .
dont think so.
Nop, you cannot redefine the model coordinate frame
It's definition is simply read from the model fileSetting up the frame correctly is one of the task of modeling your a parts
- insert a temporary fixture
- assign your CAD to the fixture
- reposition your CAD to the origin of the fixture
- click combine part in cell browser at the temporary fixture section
- your new part with the new origin will be apear