Hey all. So the last two days I have been banging my head against the wall trying to set up a servo gun on an R-2000ic 165f, with an r-30ib A-style cabinet. The servo gun is hooked up to an 80amp amplifier in the cabinet, and the table is hooked up to a 160amp amplifier. The gun is on amplifier 2, and the table is on amplifier 3. Here's a picture of the cabinet:
The table was already working when I started working on this robot, and the gun still needed to be configured. I have already successfully configured and welded with an identical servo gun on another robot in this cell that doesn't have a table. So I know I am configuring the gun correctly. However, when I go into a controlled start and go to the maintenance screen, the table shows up as group 2 and the servo gun shows up as group 3, as shown here:
What is strange is that when I go into the configuration of the table group, it says that it is assigned to amplifier 2:
When I hold down the deadman to jog the table however, ampifier #3, which is the table amplifier, turns on. So the table appears to be mapped to amplifier 2 even though it is the third one, and it still works. Now when I try to add the servo gun, I get all sorts of issues. If I try to reconfigure the table to use amplifier 2, and the servo gun as amp 3, or even vice versa, both amplifiers turn on when I hold down the deadman. But when I try to jog the servo gun axis, it doesn't move. If jog the robot, it will move, but then randomly the actual servo motor on the weld gun will make a loud buzz sound. Same with when I try to jog the table. The motor buzzes.
I tried reloading the software on the robot to maybe try to get the robot to detect the servo gun amplifier as group 2 instead of three, but the same thing happened. The table always automatically gets assigned to group 2 and amplifier 2. I'm kind of at a loss on where to go from here.
Does anyone have any suggestions on things I could try? I greatly appreciate any help!