Does anyone know how to save a unit load from pallet tool software to a flash card so I can load it onto a robot from the teach pendent?
pallet tool question
M3 -
October 10, 2018 at 6:50 PM -
Thread is Resolved
just do a backup on the virtual teach pendant just like you would on a real robot. Then on the tool bar click on the tool menu and it will navigate you to the workcell name folder then choose robot 1 and go to the directory where you did the backup.
Make an All of the Above backup. The unit load files are PMULxxx.VR
If you have ethernet you can simply download and skip the step.
Thank you so much. I was successful backing up in the virtual controller and loading it onto the robot. Sorry I didn't reply sooner.
The Ethernet download didn't work but I found a download setting on the robot that was set to serial so maybe that was my issue, I'll try Ethernet again next time. -
When yo do try ethernet,
open the robot home page in internet explorer by typing the ip address in the search window. If it comes up you are half way there.
Then make sure you add the robot ip address to the neighborhood.
That should get it.