I have a KUKA robot KRC4, I want to know how much it can store a program?A single program?How much storage space program?
How to implement a key back HOME?
Thank you very much
The following information for robot:
KR C4 ,KR C, V8.3.20
ss.sun -
March 24, 2017 at 4:52 AM -
Thread is Resolved
KRC4s can generally store about 9-10MB in the /R1 tree.
"Key back to home"? That question does not parse.
Then a program?
A key back to the home. -
I want to know how big can a program?
A robot can be stored at most how many programs or how much memory is used to store program?
In the process of production, I hope I can press a button, robot automatic back to the home position of the robot.
I'm very sorry, there is no clear ahead. -
SkyeFire already answered you for question about maximum capacity for programs.
Implementing button, which will cause robot return to home is not so simple. I see two ways:
1. Prepare your production programs with jumps from current position (program will be not executed to the end, but execute part of program to return your robot to home, for example:Code
Display MorePTP HOME PTP P1 IF iBtnHome THEN goto toHomeFromP1 ENDIF PTP P2 IF iBtnHome THEN goto toHomeFromP2 ENDIF PTP P3 IF iBtnHome THEN goto toHomeFromP3 ENDIF PTP P4 (...) toHomeFromP3: PTP P2 toHomeFromP2: PTP P1 toHomeFromP1: PTP HOME
I hope that this piece of pseudocode is showing what I mean. If in your program you will read iBtnHome input, you simply jump to label and go back to home, passing the same points like in forward run. But, be careful, path will be different! This solution also makes your program much more complex.2. My second idea is to stop and cancel current program in submit interpreter and call "return to home" program. You can write in your submit interpreter program something like that:
But, going this way, also be very careful! Your returnToHome() program have to read current position of robot and select proper path for all possible positions! It means a lot of cases and also a lot of code.
Returning to home always depends on type of robot cell, possibility of collisions and environment of robot. If your cell is simple, you can prepare automatic procedurę for returning home. But if it is more complex, maybe it will be better to teach operators how to jog robot to home manually?
Thank you very much, my site is very simple, so I will try to use the second method.
Thank you again, you and SkyeFire. -
In the BBS I download the kInfoFinder_v1. Zero. Zip program, use it to open the vxWorks. Rt list view to KR C2 function.I want to check KR C4 function list now, I have found the vxWorks. Bin file, but I can't open it to check the function list, excuse me what method?