Hello All,
I'm looking for a Maintenance-Inspection manual for XRC.
Motoman says they don't have any....
Does anyone happens to have a copy, please?
Hello All,
I'm looking for a Maintenance-Inspection manual for XRC.
Motoman says they don't have any....
Does anyone happens to have a copy, please?
they have but you must pay for it. what type of robot you have? you need manual for controler or for robot? what system you have - eu or american one?
I don't understand...we are certified Motoman integrators...why would they say that they don't have it? They could ask me to pay like they have done with so many other things...
Anyways, the robot is a UP20-A00 and the controller is an EU XRC
Thank you in advance
you need something similar with maintanace on NX system or the manual for UP20 with maintnace parts?
A special manual for maintanace not exits on XRC generation. Th emaintanace areea are include it in the UP20 manual.
Thanks very much for your attention everybody
If you are an integrator, you should be able to call Motoman and get access to their FTP site with the manuals on it. Like said above, there is no XRC Maintenance manual from Yaskawa, only the manual you get in the Training Course from Motoman.
The information for inspections and maintenance items come from the specific manipulator manual.