Check BIOS setup possibilities... Try to enable SATA support in BIOS setup. Restart PC. Open BIOS again and check if the SATA hard disk is recognized. Set BIOS to start OS from this HDD. DONT CHANGE other settings, as these settings are because of KUKA.
Posts by pipo
Use an IDE SATA converter.
this one:…r/dp/B00EOJNGC2
or something similar...
I have been using the robot with such an converter for two years.
First, activate the ethernet card and restore any changes to the software settings (if you have made changes). The robot has a safety system. The problem is most likely in this system. Read everything I wrote in the forum and you will get an idea of what you need to do. If you have viber or watsapp it will be easier to communicate, although my English is not at a good level.
Hi, I had the same problem when I tried to start my KUKA robot last year. I will try to help you. Send pictures of the robot software version, etc.
on the kukavarproxy is "debug" option where I can see all IN/OUT traffic. Is there (C3Bridge) some equivalent functionality?
When start i see only messages for connection options on C3Bridge window.
With openshowvar and my Python script I connected sucsesfully with C3Bridge.
Can You share C3 Control Panel .
It does not matter at what stage of development C3 is, the main goal is tests.
I will add new functionalities to my Python project, according to the capabilities of C3 and I will send you the test results.
I am currently developing a program (python script) that reads g code and sends it as commands to a Kuka Robot . On the robot side, I use kukavarproxy. On the other hand, the same script synchronously reads from the g code the commands for control of the spindle, cooling and manages them through the USB port. Other external devices can be added. In other words, it is not necessary to send commands to the robot, which in turn sends them to an external controller.
I have had a robot for two months and I am still a beginner in this field.
Today I saw your project and I will test the possibilities using a python.
I will be happy if I can assist in the development or testing of your project.
Best regards
to solve problems try this:
1. Start pc and go to device manager
2. On the firs yellow row ( driver for floppy disk) click with right mouse button and select to reinstall driver. I do not remember exatly how to you must proceed in Win95 with the reinstall.
3. On the next yellow rows make the same
May be you need to find how to reinstall drivers with google search
I am glad that the problem is solved!
I don't know why, but I had the same or a similar problem. A series of startup errors. Most of ini files cannot be read. This happened 10 minutes ago.
I'm going to get a big hammer to show the robot where the INI files are
I'm not sure what the problem is.
It may be a virus, but it is unlikely.
After starting KSS, are there any errors. Can the robot to execute programs. There is an option to uninstall GT.
Maybe someone in the forum will share a solution to the problem.
You BIOS setting are OK while PC start whith original EDC
Developer: HDDGURU.COM
License terms: Freeware
Supported OS: MS Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003, 2008, 2008R2
Windows Installer…py1.10Setup.exe
Download Windows Executable (works without installation):….10Portable.exe
Big drives (LBA-48) are supported.
If you can start another PC (not ROBOT PC) with cloned EDC as second drive
can you see the two partitions on cloned EDC
If you can, try whit hdhacker tool to copy only MBR from old to new EDC
Try to start with original EDC
If start is OK then make a New CLONNING
You must clone original EDC to NEW one,
not just one partition of the disk but the whole disk
Most likely, the boot sector (MBR) was not installed during the cloning. Pay attention to this when choosing the method of cloning
There is another possibility. Check in the BIOS and select the EDC disk as first boot disk, not cdrom, USB, Floppy
I did a few reinstallations of my robot and noticed that when starting the KSS installation without deleting the old one, some important settings and programs are saved automatically. So I recommend this way. Once you have the original disc, you can do all sorts of experiments.
The original disk of the robot sits in a safe place. I do all the experiments on a cloned disk without risk
On IDE EDC HDD the connector is FEMALE (with holes)
On MB IDE is MALE (with pins)
MB connector has a control pins ( missed pin on the center of connector) and hole on connector body. In thes way is impossible to connect IDE cable in to wrong position…180/thumb/1.jpg
On other side the conector on IDE cable have plastic pin (I do not know the english word for him)
Searching in google I found:
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.DS please see the video....
And BIG surprice - the IDE connector on convertor HAS safety plastic pin
When trying to connect to MB - no problem BUT when trying connect EDC disk is possibille to make mistake and connect in wrog way!!!!
The EDC disk have a female connector. The CONVERTOR have a female connector on IDE side.
How he connected the two female connectors. With some adapter maybe
The convertor has JUMPERS AND SWICH. Set up them acording to manual in IDE to SATA MODE
On you post #62 on picture I see under white PCI slot cable on blue slot like IDE.
What type is that port and cable
And please unplug EDC from converter and take a picture (close up) on connectors - it is possibile to you connection from EDC to converter at 180 deg? (wrong way)
On #61 DS says:
"I double-checked converter manual (link in next post). I assume I have to use SATA to IDE converter mode."
We have IDE (EDC or regular HDD)<->CONVERTOR<->SATA PORT ON MB(main board)
WHAT We need to convert and what mode must be set on convertor?
In this way MB whill recognize IDE DISK(S) ( EDC or REGULAR HDD) like SATA DISK(S).
If I make a mistake - please anybody to explain my misstake.
Please set the mode of convertor to "IDE to SATA" and check BIOS for recognised HDD(S)
You are right!
Configure SATA as SATA, not as IDE.
There is wery strange main board without IDE, only SATA!?!
EDC disk have IDE interface and plugged on KUKA main board IDE connector.
To make a clonning, DS using another PC with SATA only (as DS say) but I can't see on the picture exatly the MB connectors. To connect EDC (IDE) to main bord with SATA we have using IDE to SATA convertor
But there is problem to setup BIOS to recognize EDC dsiks
Did you manage to set the BIOS to see the disks
On EDC may be you have to change jumpers to change EDC mode (single, primary etc...
I do not like thish metod of clonning. If you do not know exactly what you are going you whill make a clonning a empty disk to original! The better way is to boot from USB but with some live windows installed on USB