to show you the difference between sectorbased and filebased see the screen shot
with sectorbased you will be able to find more problems
With filebased you will defragment the hard disk
to show you the difference between sectorbased and filebased see the screen shot
with sectorbased you will be able to find more problems
With filebased you will defragment the hard disk
MOM, yes I agree with you USB to IDE converter is preferable and I will definitely take it into account as a way forward!!! You are also right - there is one IDE 40pin port (used by CD/DVD), but not two (so I am not sure how one can help cloning). With Hirens I actually need that port for CD as I was unable to create Bootable USB stick, it corrupted 2 USBs for some reason and the Hirens version that was working (15.2) said it is bootable from CD or HDD, not USB even though in BIOS USB Booting was enabled....
Thanks for sector-based vs file-based pics!
MOM, panic mode, pipo, and all who chipped in advice,
Thank you for your continuous support - the next milestone is done - original EDC card was healthy and was cloned to another EDC card.
A few notes for readers who may benefit from this story:
So far so good doing first ever clone. Now I expect things to go even more interesting (complex) as based on pipo suggestion I shall take newly created EDC, put it in controller PC and try to reinstall/restore. There are several restore options, including all. Please, based on #44 let me know what you suggest. To summarize #44 - robot startup would freeze in Cross3 and would not progress up until I did End Tasked Explorer, Guardtray, and Guard9x apps.
Will report back on how KRC2 startup with copy of EDC will go - I expect same issues (as physically there were no issues with disk) but I will report what it is!
QuoteI had to do 2x39 pins from paperclips
Please, do not judge
They worked!
what are you trying to pull off - an advertisement for paper clips ?
btw good job and thank you for sharing your experience
motherboard IDE connector as well as PATA HDD are male and i guess EDC was meant to plug directly into motherboard which is why contacts on EDC are mirrored.
you have windows starting so now it is to get KSS working. as pipo suggested it is the best to do clean install rather than repair. repair tries to preserve many things such as current settings and may not update everything. in other words run the EXE with no underscore in the name (setup.exe instead of _setup.exe)
Robot has been extended 3.2m arm to 3.5m. If I do clean install of KSS, will I have to re-enter some of those parameters somewhere? Or shall I take a note of some file that keeps robot sizes before I do install KSS?
there are two MADA, one for robot and one controller.
backup MADA for the robot arm. (KRC:\R1\MADA)
it is only two files
actually backup everything (should be on your cloned HDD already)
I did a few reinstallations of my robot and noticed that when starting the KSS installation without deleting the old one, some important settings and programs are saved automatically. So I recommend this way. Once you have the original disc, you can do all sorts of experiments.
The original disk of the robot sits in a safe place. I do all the experiments on a cloned disk without risk
this KSS could be installed on KRC1 and KRC2
Shortly after powering on controller (with cloned EDC in), pendant shows "Invalid system disk. Replace the disk, and then press any key". In the screen I see that Pri. Master Disk: LRG, ATA 33, .... When I compare this to some historical screen photos I see that back in old times it was LBA, ATA 33, ....
I checked in BIOS, did not see an option to activate LRG. Do you agree that this is they likely reason for controller PC to not recognized cloned EDC?
Try to start with original EDC
If start is OK then make a New CLONNING
You must clone original EDC to NEW one,
not just one partition of the disk but the whole disk
Most likely, the boot sector (MBR) was not installed during the cloning. Pay attention to this when choosing the method of cloning
There is another possibility. Check in the BIOS and select the EDC disk as first boot disk, not cdrom, USB, Floppy
pipo, thanks for advice!
Original EDC starts OK and I double-checked that EDC model supports LBA (Logical Block Addressing).
I did clone the whole disk (with both partitions) but obviously I have to search for an alternative way of making a clone as Acronis DD neither gave me the option to preserve LBA, nor it has any documentation that even mentions this acronym. Acronis DD did not mention MBR but the disk was supposedly bootable. I assume I need another software product, perhaps older for making a clone.
If other clones will not work I will follow instruction with BIOS, thanks!
You BIOS setting are OK while PC start whith original EDC
Developer: HDDGURU.COM
License terms: Freeware
Supported OS: MS Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003, 2008, 2008R2
Windows Installer
Download Windows Executable (works without installation):
Big drives (LBA-48) are supported.
If you can start another PC (not ROBOT PC) with cloned EDC as second drive
can you see the two partitions on cloned EDC
If you can, try whit hdhacker tool to copy only MBR from old to new EDC
HDDRawCopy is what was needed! It worked! And it produced EDC copy that was recognized by system with no changes in BIOS necessary! Great! Thank you!
During installation, the only decision I was not sure about was weather to leave R1, Mada, and one more folder settings from previous installation when it asked. I decided to leave all 3 of them.
Once the installation was finished, when booting controller, it still did not go past Cross3 screen (same issue). CTRL+ALT+DEL indicated that Cross3 [Not responding]. Instead of End Tasking Cross3, I End Tasked 2 apps - Guard9x and Guardtray. Then Cross3 rebounded and KSS loaded.
Do you have any idea if I shall I try installation without keeping old R1, Mada, ....?
I'm not sure what the problem is.
It may be a virus, but it is unlikely.
After starting KSS, are there any errors. Can the robot to execute programs. There is an option to uninstall GT.
Maybe someone in the forum will share a solution to the problem.
kpc2 is very slow if you run antivirus on a slow machine will be slower or unresponsive.
uninstall the antivirus software does not give any protection only makes troubles.
how many clones do you have?
As a first step I would examine the hard drive.
Connect the drive as external hdd to you PC
check for defragmentation (I used defraggler for that)
check hdd for lost clusers (chkdisk)
run your virus scanner for the external hdd.
If all these tests are passed
try to create an archive
if not
make a zip file of the init directory
make a zip file of the log directory
I messed around with KSS 4.1.OL and KSS did not want to start.
set the traffic ligt to green and using menu item log to set log on
Now you should be able to see sonmething
The reason why KSS did not come up in my case KukaDb. exe could not be startet
the sequence of start up as I figured out so far would be:
1. cross3
1.1 initializing all of its trabants
1.2 starts vxworks
1.3 starts HMI
1.3.1 starts KukaDB.exe for national translations
1.3.2 starts (at the beginning you will see the splash screen (in german: "lege den Mantel des Schweigens darüber"))
1.3.3 load all TechPackages (?)
vxworks will load data and initialize (?)
any help recommaded