Mustangdan sorry I don’t know how I missed your reply. Yeah just the arm would work. I have so many controllers and parts in xrc generation that I could make it work.
Posts by RoboRanch
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew where to find an sv3x for xrc-2001 for a trade for a up6 or for a few hundred dollars. I need one to complete my collection and have a living room robot. They seem to be hard to find.
Thanks, Andrew
Hello all. I have an old 1995 fanuc P-155 paint robot that I retrofitted with large stepper motors for fun and am configuring on a Chinese retrofit controller. The controller and pendant work well thus far but a very big issue I have is I do not know the gear ratios of all the axes. As the robot is setup with steppers it’s very very picky about acceleration and the true value of acceleration is dependent on the gear ratios. of course it’s possible to calculate, or to take the whole thing apart and count teeth but either would be tricky to say the least. I was wondering if anyone had any clue of what the ratios were off hand. Also if anyone had a drawing that outlined all the cardinal dimensions of the robot, as it’s also very tricky to accurately measure from joint to joint. I know it’s ancient but figured I’d ask anyway.
I finally found one! Unfortunately the controller was lost , that being said it’s more of a for looks antique at this point anyway , I think I’m gonna put a sconce on it, put it in my living room and call it a lamp lol. As has been mentioned 5 axis robots are pretty limited at this point, but damn do they look cool.
Hey man, it has not be resolved, I’m so upset with myself for not doing a controller backup when I first got the robots but I just didn’t know enough. I’m pretty sure it has to be set for Jigless application and beyond that I think it’s some combination of the robot names in setup just as it is with tr3c. No one at Yaskawa seems to know. The main tech I work with said it was very rare for them to be set up that way but I’m positive it’s possible and my buddy who is ex Yaskawa hasn’t been able to figure it out either.
If you wish to see my setup look up “xrc-2001 external axis setup” on youtube.
Robodoc yes that’s what I mean. Not writing the external axis commands in its own group. Writing robot and external axis commands together. Yes I have done this. This is not a hack, this is the system operating exactly as it’s intended to.
Robodoc when you say coordinated motion do you mean just writing external axis commands into a job? If so yes.
I have 5 xrcs systems and enough of the parts for probably 2 more, there’s so many parts and robots floating around they’re like legos.
I haven’t done it but if the parameters are set correctly I’m sure it should work, the complete parameter list is out there now motoman doesn’t seem to really care about their IP for the xrc now due to its age. I didn’t hack the system In any way I simply took the external axis board,realized that the encoder pinout for the external axis board is the same as the wrca board, made up a cable and connected the motor to the amp and converter I had And initialized the system with the external axis, the system is surprisingly forgiving on converter /amplifier/ motor combos. You need Yaskawa mode to do this obviously, which I out of respect for motoman will not share here, but it’s not hard to find now.
Hello All,
I’m working with my tr3c up-130/up-130/up-6 robot group and have a question about key allocation. In my system the master is the up-6 set up with a welder, with two up-130s set up with air grippers for handling.
I have the air grippers set up with key allocation so I can hold interlock, press a key and trigger the grippers but this function will only work with the master robot selected. If one of the slave robots, those being the robots with the grippers are selected then I get a warning message “cannot use specific keys” I can’t find any mention of this in the manual and my motoman tech isn’t very familiar with the key allocate function. The message isn’t listed in the alarm list because it’s not actually an alarm just a warning. Does anyone have any idea of how to make the key allocate I/0 function operate regardless of the selected robot?
Anybody find anything service manual wise?
I know there is a manual outlining mechanical service procedures with installation views.
If anyone ever wants to know exactly how to add external axis to the xrc I have done it successfully with all motoman parts. PM me for details
are you in the US? if so i am interested.
Hello All, I have a set of four Motoman robots, two up6s and two up-130s. When I first acquired this system it was initialized as a QR4c group. for the past year I have been running the system as a dr2c and really enjoyed it. I recently added a third robot and as I have a fourth I figured why not add it to the group. Unfortunately when I first acquired the system I was new to Yaskawa and I stumbled upon initialization and never did take a backup of the old system so the cmos.bin was lost. Now I cant figure how to set my control group during initialization. does anyone know which robot/base/station options to select during initialization to allow the addition of a fourth robot . Motoman has helped me a lot in learning my system but they said that qr4c wasn't even an option. That doesn't explain though how my system was originally a QR4c and why there are conversion instructions on if its not possible.
Potentially solved. In this software version FORMCUT is listed under DEVICE. Thanks very much.
I have tried RESET INSTRUCTIONS under the data tab in teaching conditions to no effect.
My software build is x6.37(JP-US)-00, parameter 3.21.
I’m told that this is the most common version. The only thing appearing in INFORM, OTHER is SHCKSET and SHCKRST. Right,and I can’t imagine the software doesn’t have it if it has the Form cut file setting.
Hello I’ve been trying to get formcut to work on any one of my 3 xrc-2001s for two days now. I have XXX set to 1 and XXX set to 1 but Formcut will not show up in my options. A Yaskawa tech said that some early software versions didn’t have formcut but I believe my software versions are of the newest, and no one seems to think it’s an add on software option, just an enable and you’re good to go kinda thing. I was about to throw up my hands and say the tech was right but then I went to my application menu and there’s the formcut spec file. Logic would point to I’m neglecting something as a software version without formcut wouldn’t have formcut settings in application. I go to inform list- motion, formcut should be below REFP but the list ends there. I have instructions set for expanded as well in teaching condition.
Anyone have any thoughts as to what my error is?
Hello all,
I’ve been looking for an irb-6 for years and had a few chances to acquire one but I think my chances have run out. I’ve accepted I will probably never see much less own one of these dinosaurs as they’re pretty much extinct. I would like to perhaps make a small mechanical model as it’s the best I can do. Do exploded views in the form of a mechanical service manual exist anywhere? I’ve only seen the electrical manuals and the installation /description manuals.