until now i see many robot brands (ABB,DURR,Kuka,Fanuc,Staubli,COMAU) and for my personal opinion, the better one for programming
and user-friendly is ABB.
With Rapid Language you can do a lot of thing, if you know how to program it, the rapid language is pretty near a pc high level language, so any
higher option price worth its buying, and you can easly find manuals for free also askying directly to customer support. Robot Studio is freely downloadable and you can easily learn and test your programs.
Posts by Dig
Hi Everybody,
i'm here to ask you some suggestions/opinions/experiences about HMI panels,
i'll try to explain...
I have a robot cell, ABB Irb910 for the moment but it can change, i'd like to mount
a HMI panel on the cell to let the operator interact with robot program without using
the teach pendant of the robot. To be more precise my robot program has a lot of
parameters that you can manage from the teach pendant, but many customers have
a lot of difficulties to learn how to use it, so i'd like to make the "receipt" on the HMI
and send it to the robot through ethernet, for example with FTP protocol. I already did
this with siemens and wincc but i'm try to find some cheaper alternative with smaller display,
i don't need an industrial PLC. I'm searching the web but i cannot find many information
about it. I found schneider has some panel with VBA scripting support and FTP protocol but
i never used them and i don't know the prices, maybe weintek can be an alternative but i don't
find anything about ftp protocol and vba support. Anybody of you has some experience with
other hmi brands, or even with those, that are capable of what i need to do?
Thanks for you help! -
Hi Everybody,
i solved it!!!The solution was done by a colleague of mine, he has tried the card before sending it to me and he tried it with step 7, so he sent me
the ldb and the gsd files and it starts to work immediatly...I had just a problem on IO.sys about the offset byte but i solved it...Anyway i found this
document that i think it can be very helpful because there are written all the steps to make it works, the only problem is that it is on a japanise site
and you cannot download it...If i'll have time i'll try to make a pdf page by page, if anybody already own it, please share it! The link is the following...http://wenku.baidu.com/view/5d38067b4…?re=view&pn=151
If you use google translator you can read all the documents, it has also the log file error explanations....
PS.: The switch on the robot connector must be set to ON position...
Thanks, again everybody...
every component or card should at least have label like this
Well yes i was meaning that i cannot find the a label like that a read a wago manual but i cannot find the way
òto get the right model. I download from wago website some different gsd file, i loaded into the s7 catalogue and
i generate my ldb file, becasue of this, i tried to start the robot putting all gsd files i loaded into s7 but it still desn't work,
i think i made a good profibus cable, i respected all details, and i'm sure about the addresses. My doubt is just that i don't know
what to do anymore... Thanks! -
1. plan everything, (sketch, node addresses, role of each node, size of IO image, topology etc). in general it is a good idea to leave node address 2 unused since this is default for Siemens PLC.
2. master needs configuration (some sort of "scan list"). in case of Profibus that would be the *.LDB file. sucessful generation of that file requires Siemens software and all GSD/GSG files.
3. make sure that hardware and wiring is correct. in case of Profibus this is simple (only two color coded wires plus shield) and yet there was so many cases i had to fix it since wiring was done by !@#%#*&. make sure terminators are set correctly and verify node addresses.
4. create configuration using Siemens software. NCM manager used to be included with Kuka software but not any more - it is obsoleted. also NCM manager will be of no use with new GSD files, and CP56xx firware - on last few jobs i had to use Step7. note, while rare it still happens - not all devices support every possible bus speed.
5. when did you have fieldbus training and on what platform? siemens and kuka offers profibus trainingWell thank you for your answer all my experience is on the field...Siemens and Kuka training are expensive for my company so i need to read manuals, search on internet and trying to test by myself also at home to solve problems, it's a difficult world you know...Thanks for your help i appreciate it...
I agree its a big pain do hardware config in KRC2 especially with Profibus as you are forced to use Siemens protocols. The last time I did this was 2 months back and had to do in a bit hectic schedule because the robots were in production and had to add an additional festo module. But at the end, it went precisely as I wanted.
The communication error is resultant of wrong hardware configuration (may be because of wrong article number, part number, profibus address, IO configuration, settings of individual components etc). I suggest that don't give up as Profibus is better than devicenet in many ways and once the setup would be done you won't regret your work done for it.
Try to find a way to send us the backup of the robot, your communication setup details and any other detail which may help. We may try to help you out.
Well thank you very much that's why i wrote here...
Unfortunatelly in the company we have rule i cannot share robot backup, but i can share single parts...
I know the profibus can be better than devicenet but i started struggling with this since this morning at 7:00 am...
Last thing i did is to follow this guide :http://www.roboterforum.de/roboter-forum/…-ldb-file/2962/
through step 7 i generate a new ldb file, adding the gsd files downloaded from the wago website, now i don't what is the
exact card i put in the simatic project because they have different names from the simatic catalogue, but i put all the gsd in the robot
path so i tried each one...The address is the 12 as i wrote in the first project i uploaded, the error is a communication error with modul
12 (wago 750-323) and error in read and write to CP561DRV. I understand that everyone cannot know everything but i would expect to
get good and overall clear information from the producer to configure and install what i need...I don't know anything anymore, i'm struggling
from 12 hour and i have the customer breath on my neck...I'm sorry and i really appreciate your help, but if i setup a PB slave in half an hour
i would like the same with a master...So i think i'll move to device net that is already configured and working just if i don't turn off the controller... -
We already using Simatic Manager Professional V5.5. We did not encounter any problem. Simatic NCM part of Simatic Manager. This mean you and I already using same program. I think there is no need presented KUKA NCM if you have Simatic Manager.
Everything has been changed but now i got 2 comunication error:
one with plc and one with wago card...I think i'll give up and let the customer buy a new
device net card, i really don't understand how is possible than an error message is so generic...
I'd even prefer if the krc tell me "you're jerk pall! You forget this...." but not "comunication error" for plenty
of wrong configurations... -
You did used wrong card on Siemens Project. You must be use "CP5614A2" Card. You can compare card Art number and catalog number on Project.
Well thanks i try to change it now but i thought it was a cp5613...
How was the file Kuka_CP5613.Ldb generated? When I was doing Profibus on KRC2s, setting up the Master channel was an utter pain -- the creation of the LDB file would only work if I did it with the version of NCM_MANAGER that's packaged in the D:/KUKA_OPT/PROFIBUS folder on the robot -- other versions, even with identical Siemens version numbers, would not work, for no reason I was ever able to discover. Also, getting the correct GSD file was extremely painful (at least for Siemens hardware) -- there had to be an exact match, and often tiny differences in version numbers or revision levels would be badly documented (or not at all), leaving me to just keep trying different GSD files one after another until one worked.I think i'm feeling the same pain...I generated that file with simatic step 7 saving and compiling the hardware configuration. I downloaded the gsd from wago web site like suggested by fluke, i modified the hardware configuration setting the right addresses and the modules and i copied that file inside the controller. I didn't use any NCM_MANAGER, i try to open it..., thanks
Could you upload Project files? Robot and Simatic Project?No, sorry i'm restricted about the robot program...i can just upload some part of the code,
and screen shot for siemens project no problem. -
-You must copy Wago modüle GSD files to robot configuration path. (Init folder) You must have done import GSD files to Simatic Manager. You can use same GSD files or download on Wago web site.
-Terminator resistance must be on master side Off position, last modüle On position.Well yes i founded it, it's because i'm using a colleague laptop...i loaded the gsd files and set the terminator in corret position,
when i turn on the robot controller i got a communication error on address 2 ( that is the wago PB address) and the PLC communication
doesn't work until i reset alarm on plc touchpad screen, and i've also write and read error on dirver CP561DRV.
Where is the mistake? Where i have to start check? It's like i've no clues, i think i followed instructions in the right way...
Thanks for your patience... -
Hello;Did you copy Wago GSD files to robot? You must try to change profibus address of Wago, because master card address probably is 2. This address used for itself. You can check termination resistance switch on profibus connector. Master side must be Off position, last modüle must be terminated with On position.
Thank you fluke,
no i didn't copy the gsd where i can get it? And what is the right path to copy it in?
No, now the terminator on the robot master connection is setted to "on position". -
Hi Everybody,
i'm a little bit struggling here with an old KRC2 because of profibus! I hade a controller with a profibus car with double connector and
i had a devicenet card, due to the strange function of the device net that loses the configuration everytime i reboot the robot, and i had to
pull out/pull in the power and reconfigure io couple of times to make it starts, we decide to swap it with a profibus slave.
We choose a Wago 750-323. Now the situation was that the robot was a slave in a profibus netowork with this configuration :IOSYS.INI
OUTB0=127,0,x32and pfbms.ini was like this :
CONSISTENCE=0The profibus network worked with the omron PLC and everything was fine.
Now i create a Ldlb database from a step 7 project adding a wago card and changed the configuration like this:pfbms.ini :
FIRMWARE_PATH_A2=drivers/FW5613A2.binand iosys.ini :
CONSISTENCE=0the wago card is setted with address 2 and the profibus card with 11. Now the probibus network with plc works
but the one with wago don't i have a write and read error on driver cp561drv on kcp and the wago card is in bus fault.
I' m really struggling since this morning at 6:00 is possbile that i need to create a file with step 7 to configure the profibus on
a robot? And this bad kuka manuals that don't explain nothing very well are letting me gone crazy!!! Can please somebody
help me? I don't know even which model of profibus card i have in the controller, there's no label on it because the robot is refurbished,
amd because my customer is so hard that instead of buying a new devicenet card it take a used profibus wago...Thanks!
PS.: I really don't understand if it is possible for the robot to work on two separate profibus networks one like slave with plc and one like
master on the wago card. Thanks in advance! -
Hi, I don't know if it could help you but I made something similar using matrix of robtargets. You can then change the position in a matrix just changing the index through a mask created for the user. In my program I've also had a struct with options to reach the final point such as the orientation of z because sometime the pallet was a closed box. So I added to the final point what needed time by time. Hope to be clear enough...Bye.
Hi everybody,
I'm gonna facing OS installation and programming of an ABB flexpicker now I have a lot of experience with ABB robots since S3 but I never programmed or installed one of those. Can anyone tell me what are the main differences from a "normal" abb robot? I know that there's a visioning system, but the robot programming is the same in Rapid? Someone as some manuals? I cannot find them anywhere...Thanks! -
Well, thank you i think i solved the $Tool and $Base problem...
I added $ACT_BASE and $ACT_TOOL intructions into the function and the $base and $tool set seem to work!
My exact function is as follow so if somebody as some new idea about speed and aproximation
may help, thanks!GLOBAL DEFFCT E6POS POffset(Point:IN,OfX:IN,OfY:IN,OfZ:IN,Zone:IN,Vel:IN,nTool:IN,nBase:IN)
E6POS Point
REAL Zone,Vel
INT nTool,nBaseSet_Lin_Zone(Zone) ;From Bas.src
Set_Lin_Vel(Vel) ;From Bas.src;Set Tool
;Set Base
$ACT_BASE=nBasePunto.X = Punto.X + OfX
Punto.Y = Punto.Y + OfY
Punto.Z = Punto.Z + OfZRETURN(Punto)
ENDFCTand i call it from anywhere in the program in this way :
LIN POffset(XFirstPiece,0,0,nPalletHeight,fine,vL08,1,4) C_DIS
fine = is declared in config.dat
vL08 = is declared in config.dat -
I don't think KRL has offset function, the closest to ABB's offset is LIN_REL which "Executes a linear motion to the end point. The coordinates of the end point are relative to the current position." But I am new here so I don't know everything.Yes, thanks but LIN_REL works for backwards path! I need something to reach a final point so I create this function that, sorry I repeat myself, works very well except for setting base, tool, speed and approximation...
So your function is called movoffset(...) and byLIN offset(point,0,0,100,10,50,1,1) c_dis
you call a function called offset(...). How is this supposed to work?
Does it work in the following fashion:
e6pos mye6pos
mye6pos = offset(whatever)
LIN mye6pos c_dis
...And what is $vel.cdis=vel? $vel has no member cdis.
Have you tried running your program in incremental step? Does it enter your function offset then?
Are you familiar with the concept of main and advance run? What are the values of main run variables $BASE_C, $VEL_C, $APO_C , ... in your error cases?
Will I'm sorry you're correct it's called moveoffset but I wrote the message down from my phone, at least what I remembered so there is some mistakes...Anyway the function works very well if you call it through LIN instruction.
The problem is not the offset, the problem are bases, speed and approximation. Thanks anyway... -
I Just use this instruction:
LIN offset(point,0,0,100,10,50,1,1) c_dis -
Hi thanks for the reply. I'm trying to avoid the use of inline forms so I wrote this function, also to avoid the touch-up of many points and also because I have 11 bases to palletize. My func is something like:
Fct e6pos movoffset(pointoff:in,xoff:in,yoff:in,zoff:in,zone:in,vel:in,tool:in, base:in)
Decl e6pos pointoff
Deck real xoff,yoff,zoff,zone,vel
Decl int tool,base$base=base_data[base]
Pointoff.z=pointoff.z+zoffReturn pointoff
Don't take care of writing errors I made now is that I'm writing from the phone. The function works and move where I want but just if I put an I line movement before my problem is that I don't want to put those before to set the base and another problem is that the robot doesn't seem to change the speed and the approximation. Today I tried to execute in T1 and it moved at same speed like it was in t2 and plus it tries to move respect the last base I used in the program. For example: I have a base with A=0° and another with A=180° if I move to the 180° base from the 0° after the first movement that is an e6axis position it tries to move to the offset but respect the 0° base! It doesn't take care of the instructions inside the sub! I tried also adding a fdat variable but it doesn't work. Tomorrow I will try to set $bas_act also but it's strange to me, that if it works in bas.src it should work also in mine! For approximation and speed I didn't find any clues yet...I'be also copy the code of speed from the bas.src and put it in my func but the speed doesn't change yet...Thanks for your help!