QuoteI have a question, is there a maximum blending distance? Does controller ignore leave and reach (or set them to predefined values) if I put in a very large number, say 1000.0 for blending?
When the robot is moved from A to B, the Reach from A + Leave from B is reduced to the distance [A,B]. So, if [A,B] = 10 mm, the blending is automatically reduce to 5 mm even if the value is bigger !
But if the tool is already in the sphere, and you send a new point in the same sphere, without waitEndMove(), I think the robot don't move, because it is already in final position.
QuoteAs for setting the blend to OFF, it is easier for me to change blending distance as I already change them for some points to speed up the process where the movement to or from a certain position (like default position) need not be exact.
You can use different mDesc...