Hi all engineers in the world!
I got an project with Kawasaki Robot.
But im first time to use Kawasaki
I need your help everyone 🙏
1. ; POINT user_f = FRAME(o_1,x_1,y_1,o_1)
Dose this means Making user frame named 'user_f' ??
2. We have distance sensors to shift frame.
; POINT f = SHIFT(user_f by t1,,h1)
Dose this step means making another user frame named 'f' with trans values by distance sensors? (I will take trans values in t1 and h1)
3. We have OLP steps like
; LMOVE f+step1_clamp__5
In this sentence ' f ' meanings Using user frame named ' f '??
4. In As keyboard(?) trying to make 3Points for creating user frame
By my mistake I was typing like
; Here o_step1
; Here x_step1
; Here y_step1
Creat Frame like
; POINT user_f = FRAME(o_1,x_1,y_1,o_1)
In this case I can't make correct frame right?
There is no steps in every program like ; o_step1 = o_1
Or is it possible to make this o_step1 = o_1
Function under the system? Not in programs
Thank you so much to read my questions!
Hope you all have great day!