Hello, I am fairly new to staubli robots so bear with me. I created a program in robodk with the specified robot and generated a val3 code. The code is unrecognizable by the robot when I plug the usb stick in to upload. I then tried generating a val3 simplified code with robodk and it was recognizable to the robot. When I go to upload or run it the CS9 controller malfunctions and I find myself having to restart the robot.
Staubli T2-60 with CS9 robot controller and code from robodk
RickyBrk -
July 10, 2023 at 6:56 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
July 10, 2023 at 7:07 PM Approved the thread. -
I reformatted the operation and simplified the code in Robodk. Now my robot recognizes it. I am still having trouble with running the program. I do all the steps and it says running but there is no movement on the robot.
Without any code, it is not very easy to help you (and I don't use Robotdk).
You need probably to add some command in the Robotdk system.
Otherwise, to have movement on the robot, you need to select the mode (Manual/automatic...), to set the powerOn ... and to autorize the movement (MoveHold)...
Robotdek generate val3 application, but you need to learn how to execute it on the robot...
Have a nice day...
Thank you for replying.
Below I added a link to the files with all the code as well as more info.
To give a little more info, I released the breaks on the robot and it is completely mobile in jog. I then switch to local mode in order to run the program. Then in the val3 application, I selected the val3 program I've uploaded and send it to run. The robot is On, breaks released and the order is given with the Move/hold. The program shows "running" meanwhile no movement. I must be missing one step in this process but I can't seem to figure it out.
I've developed programs on Robodk for UR and Fanuc robots but this is my first time with Staubli and I am running into issues.
The tool definition is not correct. The gripper is inked to valve1 and need to be linked to ValveIO\valve1 on CS9.
The line 2 of main() : close(tCurrentTool) give you an error 123 Io not linked.
In your application, some dio (Input and output are declared and linked to BIO board. This board exist only on CS8 !
Perhaps the robot configuration in robotdk is wrong (It's like the DIO are defined for CS8 and not for CS9).
Solution :
In dtx file, change the ioLink "valve1" to "ValveIO\valve1"
Quote<Data name="tCurrentTool" access="private" xsi:type="array" type="tool" size="1">
<Value key="0" x="0.000" y="0.000" z="283.000" rx="-0.000" ry="0.000" rz="-0.000" fatherId="flange[0]" ioLink="valve1" />
You can delete all the Input and Output data in the same file :
Quote<Data name="Input" access="private" xsi:type="array" type="dio" size="16">
<Value key="0" link="BasicIO-1\%I0" />
<Value key="1" link="BasicIO-1\%I1" />
<Value key="2" link="BasicIO-1\%I2" />
<Value key="3" link="BasicIO-1\%I3" />
<Value key="4" link="BasicIO-1\%I4" />
<Value key="5" link="BasicIO-1\%I5" />
<Value key="6" link="BasicIO-1\%I6" />
<Value key="7" link="BasicIO-1\%I7" />
<Value key="8" link="BasicIO-1\%I8" />
<Value key="9" link="BasicIO-1\%I9" />
<Value key="10" link="BasicIO-1\%I10" />
<Value key="11" link="BasicIO-1\%I11" />
<Value key="12" link="BasicIO-1\%I12" />
<Value key="13" link="BasicIO-1\%I13" />
<Value key="14" link="BasicIO-1\%I14" />
<Value key="15" link="BasicIO-1\%I15" />
<Data name="Output" access="private" xsi:type="array" type="dio" size="16">
<Value key="0" link="BasicIO-1\%Q0" />
<Value key="1" link="BasicIO-1\%Q1" />
<Value key="2" link="BasicIO-1\%Q2" />
<Value key="3" link="BasicIO-1\%Q3" />
<Value key="4" link="BasicIO-1\%Q4" />
<Value key="5" link="BasicIO-1\%Q5" />
<Value key="6" link="BasicIO-1\%Q6" />
<Value key="7" link="BasicIO-1\%Q7" />
<Value key="8" link="BasicIO-1\%Q8" />
<Value key="9" link="BasicIO-1\%Q9" />
<Value key="10" link="BasicIO-1\%Q10" />
<Value key="11" link="BasicIO-1\%Q11" />
<Value key="12" link="BasicIO-1\%Q12" />
<Value key="13" link="BasicIO-1\%Q13" />
<Value key="14" link="BasicIO-1\%Q14" />
<Value key="15" link="BasicIO-1\%Q15" />
Last thing, to use Valve1, you need to have this equipment on the arm. On TX2 it is an option.
Have a nice day...
That worked. Thanks a lot Galet!