Hello Guys,
I have a problem inside Roboguide.
I'm trying to make a generate a TP program for multiple welding seams.
I can select each individual seam as a feature, but I can only generate a short TP program from each feature separately...
I have tried:
- "Program automatic generation" under the right click menu when I select the part
- Literally does not do anything.
- Merging each feature in a featuregroup and than creating a feature from this feature group. Than generating a TP program from this feature.
- This method makes all seams but connects every point and skips approach and retreat segments between each seam...
- Reading the whole damn help menu.
I have searched everywhere, but as far as I see now, my two options are:
- generating all separate seam programs, than merging them somehow, or calling them in a main TP program,
- Generating the program from the featuregroup and correcting the path after each seam manually.
None of these seem to be favorable Can anyone offer some advice?
Thanks beforehands.