Hello everyone,
I am a new born on this forum and saw that the community was very welcoming and active during my research, so i decided to ask myself some questions.
I am at the beginning of an apprenticeship, based on robotization of process, and my tutor asked me to make a technical report on how synchronized actions were mannaged for tha control of a robot, and what kind of sensors/real-time technologies were more suitted to gain accuracy during the process. After that, he took his vacation ^^' so i can't ask him any questions...
The thing is : I am just entering the "robotic shere" and i never touch a Siemens CNC before in my life. I did a state of the art about the accuracy enhancement of industrial robots and earned lots of technical knowledge but it is not enough. Obviously, i've read hundred of pages about the subject in the siemens' functions manuals and all but even if i feel like i understand what is written, i can't visualize any applications or make a clear resume ... It is kind of fuzzy.
I am getting lost between the 'PLC', the others sub program codes, the use of synchronized actions etc (this last part mostly : I quickly understood that there were M functions that you can create to trigger actions during an interpolation cycle, but how do you manage to use them in parallele of the entire code ? When is it interesting to use them for the robot ? Why ?)
Sorry if this post raises to much questions, i really am lost ^^' (also sorry if my english is bad, not native english here haha).