Trying to find a way to keep my error logs neater and ive looked around and the prevailing ideas are to later the er_nohis and also the error severity table. I have a few issues with these methods ofr my needs.
1. er_nohis is good for weeding out WARN and NONE alarms but if I also have it block resets then the active history doesn't reset either and it fills up with every single error and that kind of defeats the purpose of an "active" error screen
2. using the error severity table I can block specific errors beyond WARN which is helpful but again doing that they do not show up on the active screen at all. Predominantly I want to block the fence open error because when I am looking back through the logs for an issue that might have happened overnight I don't need to see every single time they opened the cell door. However, I still want the operator to be able to see right away on the pendant if their fence is open (some of our sensors can be picky so even if it looks closed to you it might need some wiggling to properly read closed) and yes there is a light on the sensor but it is not as conveniently in your face as the active error screen.
Is there any way I can have errors appear on the active error screen but NOT logged into the error history?
Edit: It's an RJ3iB controller