Hi guys,
I am trying already for a few days to solve a TEMP Memory problem in Roboguide. I would like to set up Bin Picking with a 3DVision Sensor.
Before adding the 3DV camera my memory looks as shown in the attachment "TEMP memory before adding vision". As you can see I have roughly 10,000KB of free TEMP memory.
Now I want to add the camera in the Vision menu. As you can see in the attachment "Vision menu" I switch over from a 2D Camera (which is not set up or programmed yet) to the 3D Vision sensor. And as soon as I do that, my free TEMP memory drops down to about 2000KB. Now the problems are starting. I get random errors that my TEMP memory is not enough, I am not able to load and save programs properly any more etc. A whole bunch of weird errors, always corresponding to the low TEMP memory.
I tried already to delete programs, to delete unused Robot extras through the Robot serialize wizard, and also to changed a lot of numbers in the System Variables menu. Here I changed (increased and decreased) some variables which can be found under "896 $VISION_CFG". For example I changed the variable "17 $VPOOL_SIZE" and many others on the same screen. See the screenshot "System Variables" as reference, so you may understand a bit better what exactly I am talking about.
All of the above mentioned actions didn't change a thing to my memory numbers. I am out of ideas now and wondered if one of you guys have any idea what else to do? I just can't imagine that on a brand new controller the memory is not enough to run a Vision process. Maybe I just set up something wrong in the camera settings and I just don't see it? Any help would be much appreciated.
FYI, I tried to upload a compressed workcell, but the file size is too big. Is there another way to share it with you?
Thank you already in advance guys!