Have you checked the sensor in the bulls eye to see if it working? I know I have ran into problem when the sensor was bad which caused it to fail...
Tcp bulls eye error
Abbro -
January 31, 2020 at 12:17 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
the sensor is ok,it has 2 leds,one yellow and one green,when i pass the hand throw laser wave the yellow led switches off.same thing for all 15 robots that i have
Try runnning the routine BeRefPnt and see how the weldinggun stands, the wire should be on top of the tip and then try to rotate wiht the gun, wire and the tip should be together plus minus 1mm then it is perfect. I have attached pictures of how it is wiht me. First picture is what comes up when you run the routine, here you need to press day1 and then your gun should be as pictures 2 and 3, if not try to make a new setup, run the routine BeToolSetup, routine should tell you what to do, If you make a new setup you have to correct all your welds, if your lucky it is only with a few mm. Remember to take a back up before you start.
thank you,it will be the first thing I'll do in the morning when I arrive at work
sorry for big late,I fixed it with BEToolSetupJ procedure,now everything is ok.thank you all for helping