I want to use monitor command "LOAD" in pc program. What kind of instruction I can use for that? Or another way for load file when I get a signal in auto mode.
I want to use monitor command "LOAD" in pc program. What kind of instruction I can use for that? Or another way for load file when I get a signal in auto mode.
Check out the NLOAD command in the AS Manual.
- This can be used load files in from attached memory.
The manual refers to IF/ARC for interface panel and Arc weld data, but you can use it load in other extensions to:
.RV and .LC for Real variables and Location variables etc.
Thanks for the offer, but it doesn't work when I have file with sysdata.
Never tried with sysdata to be honest, what settings are you trying to overwrite?
I want load this sysdata when I want work with Jt7(linear axis):
EXT_DISCONNECT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and when I don't want work with Jt7( Servoing stop and Brake lock):
EXT_DISCONNECT 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I read about separate control and trying to do this with software separation. But I read in the manual that software separation used when only switching positioner cooperation. Maybe tell me something about separate control.
Separate Control function is part of the 'External Axis Options' and is usually directed towards multi axis systems.
The setting you are referring to in your previous post is part of the AUX 2002 setting for External Axis Parameters.
Which can be used (as far as I know) to disconnect in software only the relative axis.
- This function stops axis from being controlled and monitored (Not electrical disconnection).
- This freezes zeroing for axis.
- This freezes location value of axis to -2000mm.
If you use this function to disconnect, be warned if you teach/reteach additional locations whilst this axis is disconnected, value of -2000mm will be saved as external axis location and if you reconnect external axis, all additional locations would require re-teaching and possible re-zeroing of axis required.
Therefore, it is only recommended to disconnect axis for maintenance purposes.
I have tested single file in KROSET to load the External Disconnect setting On/Off and confirm it works, based on this I assume it should also work in real world robot system.
What is your code you are using to load and also Controller using?
Have you tried separate load command via KCwin for your file, and what is result, errors, messages received?
I am using E01 controller.
When I load this sysdata via KCwin it's ok: parameter(External Disconnect setting On/Off) changing.
When I use instruction "NLOAD" in pc program I have a message that: my file load complete. But the parameter(External Disconnect setting On/Off) doesn't change.
Out of interest, I also just tried to adjust a system data setting on much older controller (changing IO dedication signal allocation) and it did exactly as you said, loaded with no error, but no change occurred.
If loaded via KCWin, change occurred no problem.
I can only assume then sysdata cannot be loaded by use of NLOAD command.
- I would contact Kawasaki and ask if this is possible.
- Also I would ask reasons why it is not possible (if they are prepared to give reasons).
Otherwise, I don't think you could 'automate' what you want to do, only manual input via maintenance level for AUX 02002 Page 4...