Hi all!
I just added a Beckhoff EL4024 module for analog outputs (4-20mA) to the EK1100 coupler inside KRC4.
In that sense, seems that it's working fine: ANOUT= 0.0 gives 4mA; ANOUT = 1.0 gives 20mA.
The thing is, from what I have read, KSS lets you any value from -1.0 to +1.0 to any ANOUT.
In my mind, that makes sense if you have a 0-10DC module, as it goes from -10 to +10V.
But do negative values make sense for mA? What could/should happen if I set -1.0?
It might be a very basic question, but I didn't want to try before asking.
PS: KRC4 // KSS 8.3 // WV 4.0
PS2: I haven't been able to find any similar post regarding this question. Apologies if it's repeated.