Hey any help is welcome!
So i have a KRC4 Compact controller with a KR6 R900 Sixx with a couple of Options pre installed from factory. The robot and controller has never been used since delivery and the VisionTech Option package is almost 4 years old now today. (VisionTech 3.0.2).
I have a trouble with getting things started with VisonTech software i WorkVisual, I installed the KOP Files in to WoV and when I want to enter the Image Proccesing Task in WoV or any related things to VisionTech i get an error and message stating that WoV is ''missing Vision Tech Library 3.0''??
I dont know if its because the Version of the option is too old or if I have missed something..
I tried in two different version of Wov. 3.1 and 5.0.
Any Help or tips is warmly welcomed!