I want to do a siple screwdriving job with GUI.
I have mounted a screwdriver on the UR3 standard head
--> Force and Movement in TCP Z-Direction (I am working on a tilted surface)
--> Roation RZ until moment reaches a certain level (or until i reach a certain depth)
My problem is:
When using "force-Waypoint" (Feature: TCP, Type:Frame, RX: 10N 60°/s Z: 20N 100mm/s)
the movement look good in testing but when using it the head moves in "random" position --> not fixed in y and x axis.
My Wokaround was:
using "if force()<20N" and "movl"
the problem is:
1. I can not formulate the force() correctly. I would need get_tcp_force() the array number 2 (Force Z) and 5(Moment RX), but i can't adress thes certain Vector-parts in the if condition.
2. I have no idea who to make a permanent rotation around z-axis with a certain moment.
I know the measurements are not very precise but I axept this. I would like to a simple screwdrivin job withou buying any extra tool.