Hello, as the topics says i want to do a search after 2 signals at the same time.
i got a wide part that can come in rotatet. therfor the robot gripper has 1 sensor on each side.
I want the robot to search untill he gets 1 of them, and do a left or right searchL rotation to get the other sensor.
I got everything right, except for the first search; I get error when i tried to put a ''OR'' function in the searchL function.
Looks like this:
SearchL\Stop,di1 OR di2 ,pFound,pSearch,v10,tTOOL\WObj:=wWobj;
I also tried this:
WHILE di1=0 AND di2=0 DO
MoveL pSearch,v10,fine,tTOOL\WObj:=wWobj;
But apparently it does the whole movement when i try that.
Anyone got any ideas on how to solve this?
I know i could wire the 2 sensors together into one new input, so that the input would have the OR function.
But if i could solve this in the robot program that would be the best!