There are several flavours of Kawasaki Online Editors available as listed below which are freely distributable and some include quick setup guides.
I have combined all that are listed below into one single zipped folder (See attached), so you can download them all and chose the flavour you prefer.
The screenshots in the guides for KCWin32 and KCWinTCP contain 2 extra files .INI and .HLP - These are not included in the zip files
The .INI will be generated when you use and close the application, it is only used for storing of your configuration settings
The .HLP is the help file for the contents, but this does not work, so is not included
The contents does work in KRTerm
Windows OS (Win98, WinXP, Win 7, Win 10).
KCMON which was used for A and AD and early C Controllers (Cannot be used with any other Controller).
- I have also added an installation pdf within the zip file.
- I have no further information on this, and also I have never used it, so experience is 'zip'
- No Setup Guide.
KCWin32 application exe = RS232 Online Editor (C/D/E Controllers)
- No login details required, NULL MODEM cable required for comms (or crossover cable - Pin 2 to Pin 3, Pin 3 to Pin 2 and Pin 5 to Pin 5)
- Setup Guide included.
KCWinTCP application exe = Ethernet Online Editor (For Controllers with Ethernet Port)............. C and D Controller were optional hardware all E Controllers have 2 usable Ethernet Ports as Standard.
- Login is 'as' lowercase (without apostrophe), Crossover cable required if peer to peer or if via switch/hub then patch lead works.
- Setup Guide included.
KRTerm installation required = RS232 and Ethernet connectivity.
- No login for RS232, NULL MODEM cable required for comms (or crossover cable - Pin 2 to Pin 3, Pin 3 to Pin 2 and Pin 5 to Pin 5)
- Login is 'as' lowercase (without apostrophe), Crossover cable required if peer to peer or if via switch/hub then patch lead works.
- Setup Guide included.
NotePad++ with Kawasaki AS Plugin - Curtesy of milhaushk
- No installation needed, just click on the executable to open the application.
- This contains the Kawasaki AS plugin to allow quick references to commands and also has Ethernet Connectivity in one package.
- No Setup Guide.
KIDE (Enhanced version of KRTerm developed by KRG - Kawasaki Robotics Germany) - Curtesy of Alexandru
- Allows for offline and online editing far advanced in comparison to KRTerm and NotePad ++ with AS plugin.
- Same connectivity options available as Kawasaki official versions.
- I have no user instructions for this, you would need to contact KRG directly for support.
- No Setup Guide.