I have an ethercat device(sensor) which has a 32 bit measurement value. If I connect this sensor to twincat3.1, it reads out perfectly. It maps as a DINT, with no swapping. In WoV, I am trying to do the same thing. I map the signal to 32 bits grouped as a DINT. Seems to work, but when I run the sensor through its full range, it goes through 4 full ranges. This would seem to me to mean the byte order is wrong.
In the WoV help, it gives an example of how to deal with this. One way is to swap the entire 4 bytes. This doesn't seem to work. OK, next I can split it in two, reverse each one. One issue with this, I now have two 2 byte signed ints; I need to map this signal to a 32 bit DINT. That doesn't seem possible, but maybe I am missing a step. I actually map this signal out to a bridge, which is all Dword. I would have to split a lot of signals if I need to do it as words.
Apologies for the lack of byte order experience, it always just worked