hi all! I have a MRC SK6 robot
I currently use the following structure welding:
P1 MoveL V = 200
P2 MoveL V = 50
P3 Move J Vj = 80
I have problems with the welding wires ticking after finishingthe welding process.
How to change adjust anti-stick process for mrc sk6?
anti-stick process for mrc sk6
GWrobo -
December 18, 2013 at 11:26 AM -
Thread is Resolved
Anti-stick function is defined in the Arc-End condition file which you call with ARCOF AEF(1) instruction.
To change this file do the following:
-Switch to TEACH mode
-Press: DISPLAY -> FILE -> WELD -> QUIT -> choose proper file number (1 in your example) using FILE UP and FILE DOWN softkeys -> press EDIT and now you should be able to change ANTI-STK option and other Arc-End parameters. -
thanks Kre
Can you help me explain more clearly? Because of my language settings in Japanese so i can't hardly find the word at you speak.
DISP --> FILE --> WELD (F...?) ---> QUIT (F5..??)