Thanks for your fast answer. Simply changing the name of the file did it and the program loaded instantly. Name was and I tried to load it via USB1, renamed it to xxxstift for testing purposes since then it worked.
Posts by pokerkerl
Hey guys,
so I got a little problem while programming the movement of the RS007N with RoboDK. First of all JMOVE and even LMOVE commands were working already with to small test programs. But right now when I want to load a new file I always get the message "Missing expected charakter."
The program looks like this:
Display More.PROGRAM xxx() ; Program generated by RoboDK v5.1.3 for Kawasaki RS007N on 02/03/2021 11:01:33 ; Using nominal kinematics. BASE TRANS(0.000,0.000,0.000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000) TOOL TRANS(-32.500,-232.500,10.000,-90.0000,90.0000,0.0000) SPEED 250.0 MM/S ALWAYS ACCURACY 2.000 ALWAYS JMOVE #[0.00000, -24.92000, -110.13000, -11.42000, -65.57000, -155.38000] JMOVE #[0.00000, 0.54000, -93.66000, 22.04000, -16.10000, -90.36000] JMOVE #[0.00000, 21.77170, -117.77200, 0.00000, 49.54330, -180.00000] LMOVE #[12.96650, 76.40760, -49.31160, -21.52400, 37.70350, -162.67000] LMOVE #[-11.21770, 76.18110, -49.79510, 18.65500, 37.45790, -195.00200] LMOVE #[-14.89200, 56.41160, -95.84630, 16.72390, 63.26540, -187.69800] LMOVE #[18.25620, 56.88900, -94.56850, -20.58170, 63.01480, -170.33000] LMOVE #[-0.48435, 62.46290, -80.57180, 0.60619, 53.03620, -180.36500] JMOVE #[0.00000, 21.77170, -117.77200, 0.00000, 49.54330, -180.00000] .END
And the strange thing is another programm with nearly the same functions is working:
Display More.PROGRAM xx() ; Program generated by RoboDK v5.1.3 for Kawasaki RS007N on 02/03/2021 11:24:42 ; Using nominal kinematics. BASE TRANS(0.000,400.000,200.000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000) TOOL TRANS(0.000,0.000,0.000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000) SPEED 100.0 MM/S ALWAYS ACCURACY 2.000 ALWAYS JMOVE #[0.00000, -24.05510, -107.44200, 0.00000, -93.84050, 0.00000] JMOVE #[0.00000, 13.34570, -81.17260, 0.00000, -82.70940, -0.00000] JMOVE #[0.00000, 29.91610, -99.28470, 0.00000, -48.02690, -0.00000] JMOVE #[0.00000, 4.14281, -137.36000, 0.00000, -35.72500, -0.00000] LMOVE #[0.00000, -24.05510, -107.44200, 0.00000, -93.84050, 0.00000] LMOVE #[0.00000, 13.34570, -81.17260, 0.00000, -82.70940, -0.00000] LMOVE #[0.00000, 29.91610, -99.28470, 0.00000, -48.02690, -0.00000] LMOVE #[0.00000, 4.14281, -137.36000, 0.00000, -35.72500, -0.00000] .END
The only major difference is the TOOL TRANS and I think there is my mistake but I don't know how to solve it. Even K-Roset is able to repeat the code so at least there it is working.Would be great I there is someone who can help.
Cheers, Dennis